jules diary

jules diary

every time i attempt to keep a diary it goes horribly so i need you guys to hell at me if i dont update

published on July 08, 2022201 reads 20 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 4.


this is my first diary entry that doesnt have driving school in it, and itll be my only for another 5 days. i woke up at noon with plans to meet up with grey, and then my sister was like “noo we planned to thrift” which is my bad. i wore everything i got at hot topic yesterday and she picked me up. we were listening to her drag playlist in the car. for some reason AAA was taken off spotify i was crying and sobbing (not really). first we got brunch, and it literally only took us 25 mins. someone asked if my sister was 36 which why would you ask and shes 23 LOL. after brunch we got some smoothies. i got a tropical one and it tasted like pineapple, strawberry, and banana which is what was in it. then we went to a big goodwill and browsed for a while. i got some cute cargo pants, a cookie monster light switch cover, and a #momlife shirt for grey. i think my sister got a blue button down and a black tank top, but i dont fully remember. i went home after that and called grey. we both restarted our animal crossing islands and played for 3 hours. i got agnes and hamlet :( kinda sad. now im doing the usual jules rotting so the end!!!
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Comments (4)

hi i do actually read this lmao
on August 04, 2022
bomb diary entry 07/08/22
thanks guys tomorrow will be more interesting
on July 09, 2022
on July 09, 2022
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If someone put this on your wall, then they think you are generally awesome. If you find someone with this on their wall, then you can trust them to be a good friend. If you know an awesome Qfeaster, give this to them.
on July 08, 2022