Treasure Hunt Clues

You're going to need this to help you find all the clues to discover your little surprise...

published on October 17, 201621 reads 7 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.


WHY do you have to make me write more, Qfeast?!
Fine, I'll put some more words in...
Redik, sorry if you're seeing this, but QFEAST MADE ME DX DON'T THINK BAD OF ME PLEASE!


I hate it when DJ's say
They don't say what kind of noise so I just stand at the back going


Before I slept, my mum would say
"Don't let the bed bugs bite!"
Why say that? That's like saying
"Hope you don't get MURDEEEEEERED!"


So, are you a boy or a girl?
I am the leader of Team Mystic.
Yeah, but what's in your pants?
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