

This is just my idea of what Amaze Stark would be like if Toriel died right in front of him and he lost all faith in humans. this has nothing to do with the Undertale - A New Beginning series.

published on April 26, 201727 reads 6 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 5.

See you soon

I activate my hidden blade and throw my arms out and as I do so I slash Chara's stomach and she falls back and covers her stomach and i get up and limp over to her and hear her cry and say "It hurts.". "I know it does. Now you know how it telt when you took something I love from me." I said. I knelt down infront of Chara.
Chara takes her knife and cuts the side of my face and side and I smack the knife out of her hand and cover my side. Chara smiles then falls to the ground and I start to turn to dust. "Requiesce in pace." I said then turned to dust.
I open my eyes and walk down a flower path and at the end of the path I see Toriel and everyone else. I wave to them and they wave back and I run up to Toriel and hug her then I cry.

                                                                                                    The End.
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Comments (1)

;-; oh no....he never killed her... ;-; and she's a little JERK! If I met I would kill her so quickly- I mean Good Story really hooked me :D
on May 03, 2017