Crimson Snoe

this is a christmas story about a girl, boy, and demon. who the demon is, is never confirmed, so use your imagination!

published on December 27, 20166 reads 4 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 4.

Party Pooper

        “Merry Christmas everybody!” Crimson called setting two presents with full curly bows down on the table. She walked over to her grandma, gave her a big hug and and handed her the present labeled “Grandma”.
“Is Nate here yet?” requested Crimson. “No, not yet. His mom said he might be busy and that it’s possible he might not make it to the party” answered Grandma.
“Ok, thanks.” Crimson felt a twinge of disappointment and worry. He never misses Grandma’s Christmas parties! What if he was with another girl!? WAIT! Why was she even thinking that? 1st of all, he is allowed to go out with other girls, and he didn’t need her permission to! 2nd, he would never dump her for a girl. He was her best friend! He would never do that.
Why was she getting mad? It’s not like she Like Liked him anyway, right?
“Crimson! Come help set the table, dear!” her grandmother called from the kitchen, snapping Crimson back into reality. “Coming!” and she ran into the kitchen, almost forgetting to take Nate’s present off of the table so that it wasn’t in the way of dinner.
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Comments (1)

Awesome story and keep up the great work ??
on January 01, 2017