Partners in Crime!

Partners in Crime!

Welcome to my story! I really hope that u enjoy this story bc it's my first ever story. Remember to tell me how I did bc I'm not good at writing storys!

published on January 16, 201724 reads 13 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 3.
Chapter 3: Didn't expect a quick change...

Chapter 3: Didn't expect a quick change...

As you are sleeping you here gun shots. You wake up. You wake up your husband/wife. You both here more gun shots. You walk to the office and see a man with a pistol yelling at the man. "GIVE ME THE MONEY OR DIE" the robber says. Luckily you have your phone. You dial 911. Your wed gets in a fight position just in case he sees you and charges for attack. He spots you and your wed. He charges but was dumb enough to drop the pistol. You get down and see your wed fighting the man. You grab a trash can lid from the trash can next to your foot. The police come and tells the robber to put his hands up. He obeys and puts his hands up. He gets handcuffed and is wrestled into the police car. A police man stops infront of you.
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