The Clumsy Spies

Story of 2 friends who tries to get back their cookies back from one of their little sisters. Will they do it, or will they fail?

published on July 18, 20182 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Chapter 4

The next morning, Kit and Kathy came up with a plan.

Kit: Okay. So…

Kathy: When she is sleeping, we tape her mouth shut, and tie her to the bed!  (With expression)

Kit: Great Idea! (Grins evilly)

A few hours later,they hatched their plan.

Kathy: (Walks to the other side of the room to Lucy) Shoot! She's holding the cookies! (Thinking position)Wait, aha! (Grabs a stuffed animal from the bin beside her) I’m gonna switch this (Points to teddy bear) for the cookies (Points to the cookies). You tape her mouth shut meanwhile. Okay?

Kit: (Whispering) Okay.

As Kit was taping Lucy’s mouth shut, Kathy was switching the cookies for the teddy bear. As soon as they were finished, they tied Lucy to her bed with a long skipping rope. Then, they tiptoed out the room.

Kathy: Here have some - ( accidently drops the bag of cookies on the ground, all the cookies break)

Kit+Kathy: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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