Jeff The Killer Love Story (part 2)

Jeff The Killer Love Story (part 2)

I have decided to continue with this story and put in parts on though to the end. so if you want to read the first part it's called (Jeff The Killer Love Story).

published on February 24, 2017204 reads 35 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Some Feelings Are Said

I kept asking myself, When did I ever get so comfortable around Jeff? I sat on the couch for an hour just about thinking about it.
"Y/N, are you okay, you've been sitting their staring at the wall for 45 minutes?" Jeff said braking my trance.
" When did I ever get so comfortable around you?" I say not realising what words had come out of my mouth.
"What?" Jeff asks. " umm, I said, umm, When did... I ever get so... comfortable around you?" I repeated slowly.
"uhhh, well," Jeff said struggling to say any words. Just then my question must of put Jeff into a trance of wonder as well as myself we must of sat there for 5 minutes or so because Ben ask us why we were staring at him.
"What" Jeff asked Ben.
"Nothing" Ben replied. but what Ben doesn't realise is we weren't staring at him but we were staring in his direction.
"It's weird, because I've been thinking the same thing as well." Jeff said braking my trance.
"really?" I asked.
"yeah". he replied.
Later on that evening. we had dinner like a family would. But as I was eating I had just realised that Jeff wasn't there. I made sure that I finish and put my plate in the sink then went up to check on Jeff. I walked down the hall and to our bedroom door and stoped before turning the handle. I heard Jeff talking and I listened closely to see if anyone replied but I was only to hear Jeff reply to himself.
"When did I feel do comfortable around Y/N?" Jeff asked himself repeatedly. Then I heard him change up the question.
"What does Y/N mean to me?" Just as he asked himself that, He paused.
"What does Y/N mean to me?" He asked himself again. he stayed silent. After a while I heard him get up and was heading to the door, i realised i was standing near the door, so i ran down the hall way to make it like i wa just on my way up. As Jeff opens the door i turn around and act lik i'm walking to the room.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Jeff asked.
"Umm, I'm tired so i'm going to hit the hay" I said trying to act natual, but of cause i was all sweaty and nervous, but i didn't even know why.
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Comments (2)

So cool can you please make more
sure will try
on February 25, 2017
on February 24, 2017