Merge Madness 2

Merge Madness 2

After the team names have been chosen, some contestants realize that teams come and go but friends are forever.

published on August 12, 201819 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Team breakfast month 1

Ocelot egg: since toasty cant talk, i elect my self to be the leader of this challenge!
RC: Team rooster had a great idea! They are using a cloner on Rafty and Brick!
Pama: i can go onto a phone and have RC drive me to the cloning macine and i can clone the cloning macine to be better.
Toasty: that could work!
Juice box: yummy toast. I agree with toasty!
Pama: somebody take out their phones.
Bop it: here you go! *gives to pama*
Pama: you might want to deleate your secrets on your phone unless you trust me.
Bop it: i trust you!
Pama: ready?
RC: lets roll!
*RC hooks Pama up to the cloning macine and the tv makes an upgraded version of the cloning macine*
Blackcurrant juice: hey Pineapple! Lets form an alliance. I think we would make it far.
Pineapple: pizza has to join!
RC: ok guys we are back!
Pama: ...
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