The Girl With The Dreams

The Girl With The Dreams

The story is about a girl having weird dreams and somehow they always come true. Her dreams are about her family, well her mom and dad, she is wondering what they mean... find out what happens by reading the story.

published on September 02, 201444 reads 13 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

The Truth

The next night, Alaina had a dream of spirits asking for help. One old lady spirit came up to her, "Help help!" The old lady had said in her dream. "What happened?" Alaina asked the old lady. "I was killed by your father!" Alaina was shocked and said: "How?" "He was hunting buffalos and i got shot, then the next day i died." Alaina knew the lady had the wrong person because indians hunted buffalos and weren't around like 100 years ago. "I'm sorry but there must be an ancestor that looked like my dad and you have been mistaken." Alaina's dream then ended.
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