BTS Run mv theory

Actually my version of the theory might not be accurate but every theory is different .( sorry, why Namjoon put a lollipop in his coffee is not explained in this theory because I have no idea why )

published on October 12, 20175 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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BTS Run mv theory
Chapter 4.
Other members imaginating that Jin is there with them part 2

Other members imaginating that Jin is there with them part 2

Jin is seen driving the truck at first, as I mentioned in the previous chapter. But when they all got on the backseat we could only see Yoongi,Hoseok,Jimin,Taehyung and Jungkook in the backseat (see picture above)-Namjoon is the one driving. The members are only imaging that Jin is there with them.
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