They don't see it - Jeff Creepypasta Love Story

They don't see it - Jeff Creepypasta Love Story

Elise is a normal girl or so she thinks. When she suddenly is getting targeted by the one and only Jeff The Killer, she isn't scared. She knew Jeff, before he was a killer. She knew he wouldn't hurt her, because they used to be best friends. Elise see's past the horror story, she just see's him. She just wishes he would realize it.

published on July 21, 201511 reads 4 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 3.

What happened to you?

        "Elise, it is you. Why'd you leave me? What happened to you? Why weren't you there? You could've saved me." Jeff continues to drone on about the stupid fact that I left him. The same thing that makes me feel guilty everyday.
        I tried to think about better things, but my mind continued to go back to when I left him to burn in that fire. He wasn't right about me being able to save him. I wouldn't have been able to do that. But if I was there with him, I could've burned too. I can only imagine the emotional scar I had left on him.
        "I don't know why I left you Jeff. As for what happened to me, I got older. I haven't seen you in a very long time, I have been guilty ever since. I hope you can forgive me." I tried to get him to agree with me, to make him see I was truly sorry.
        "For what? For making me a killer, a monster, what Elise? You think this can be fixed?" I still loved him, no matter what he looked like, no matter what he thought he himself was. I couldn't let his anger overpower my heart longing for his forgiveness. Even if I didn't want him mad at me.
        "You're not a monster. I am. I left you there, unaccompanied. And that was the lowest move anybody could have ever done. You haven't become anything different, you appearance might have changed. You may be a killer. But that doesn't wash away you're old self. Just like how I've changed with my looks but I haven't changed inside." I try to tell him the truth.
        "People may think you're scary, but you don't scare me. I know you won't hurt me." He looks at me, his eyes glowing. He growls for a second and then pounces at me. I don't even scream. I know that I can find it in his heart, well what's left of it anyways, that he won't kill me. So I don't scream, I just stand there. Waiting.
        He has a knife in his hand and he's edging closer. I'm not scared, I know him. He won't kill his best friend. He's just got to find somewhere deep in his soul that he still cares about me. He's carrying it closer, and I don't dare to say a peep. Except maybe it would be very helpful right now to try and convince him that he does care about me. I'll do it.
        "Jeff, it's Elise. You're not going to kill me, you're better then that. I'm you're best friend." He still has the same anger struck face and it's really starting to bother me. The knife looks very sharp and I know that it could kill me. But I know he won't kill me. Maybe it need's a couple magic words.
        "Go to-" He begins. I cut him off.
        "I love you Jeff!"
        And just like that his knife drops, sounding like a pin dropping on the floor.
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Write more pwease... >~<
on July 25, 2015