Light Over Dark (Legoriel love story)

Legolas loves Tauriel as does Tauriel. But Thranduil has threatnws there relationship when she is banned and see how much there love will compete when a series of events throw them off

published on February 27, 201738 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Light Over Dark (Legoriel love story)
Chapter 8.

Chapter 8: A Surprise To Tell

It's been 4 months since the wedding Tauriel was getting used to being a queen of the Woodland realm. “You know?” Legolas smirks. “What?” Tauriel asks. Legolas kisses her as she kisses back. He deepened it. Tauriel pulled back. Legolas goes to do some duties and Tauriel went to the bathroom throwing up. Legolas knocked on the door.
“Tauriel!” Legolas says opening the door. Tauriel flushed the toilet and went to him. “Are you okay?” Legolas asks in softening concern. “I just felt sick that's all” Tauriel says. Legolas didn't look convinced. He took her hands. “Are you sure?” He asks. Tauriel nods. Legolas sighs since there was no sense of arguing with his wife. A few months later Tauriel found out what has happened to her over the next few months. Tauriel cupped her hands behind her neck pacing back and forth. Legolas came in. “Tauriel” he asks in concern. “If I tell you this. Will you be mad?” She asks. Legolas took her hand. “Of course not” he smiles. She sighs. “I'm pregnant” she says. Legolas didn't know how to respond. He gives her a smile spinning her around happily kissing her. He brought her down as she pulls back. Tauriel smiled that he didn't freak out. Legolas put a hand on her stomach smiling as she did also. “I love you” Legolas says kissing her somewhat swollen stomach. Tauriel giggles. “I love you more” she says.
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