Light Over Dark (Legoriel love story)

Legolas loves Tauriel as does Tauriel. But Thranduil has threatnws there relationship when she is banned and see how much there love will compete when a series of events throw them off

published on February 27, 201738 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Light Over Dark (Legoriel love story)
Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: The Fight For Tauriel

Tauriel woke up early that morning yawning heading to the dungons (prison dungons dont judge me) Legolas followed close behind but queitly. She went to see Kili who

was already up. “What do you have in your hand?” she asks him cursously. “Its a tailsman if any drawf reads they will be forever cursed” Tauriel looked shocked almost heading out. “Or not...if you really believe in those things its just a tolken” he says. Tauriel came back. “My mother gave it to me so i’d remeber my promise...that I would come back to her...she thinks Im reckless” he says. “Are you?” she asks softly smiling. Legolas watches above watching Kili closely. The elves from above yelled happily. Kili dropped his tolken as Tauriel caught it. She gives it back to him. “Seems like a party up their what is that?” Tauriel looked surpised that he didn’t know. “Its called the feast

of Starlight everyone in the woodland realm celebrates it very hard include getting drunk” Tauriel says letting out a chuckle. Kili looks at her. “I wish I could go but I’m busy. I’m stuck in a cell” he says playfully smirking. Tauriel looked around for anybody and let him out. Just before Legolas came down startling her. “Tauriel” he starts. “Lord Legolas” he mutters. “What is he doing out of the cell?” he asks giving him a glare but he returns it. “I-I let him out. He seemed like he wanted to party so I’m giving him freedom…………” her mind blanks. “Trust me Tauriel you will regret this” he says. Tauriel bit her lip hard. Legolas finally gives in to his trick. “He can come but I will keep a close eye on him” he says before going out. Tauriel went to her room getting ready. She wears a beaufuil elvish dress that her mother gave her before she died and some accoriess that Thranduil gave her over the years. She looks in the mirror sighing. Tauriel heard a door opened and got startled. ‘Did Thranduil hear from Legolas?’ she thought as Thranduil came in smiling. “You look pretty” he smiles hugging her. “Lord Thranduil” she says startled. Thranduil looked worried. “Is everything okay?” he asks. “Yeah just nervous” she says. He pulls her close. “Everything will be okay...and I’m sorry if I banished you before and I didn’t se how much you and Legolas love each other can you forgive me?” he asks. Tauriel nodded smiling. “Of course” she says as he walks out. Tauriel sighs fixing her hair as she heads out. Tauriel came in looking around for Legolas as she spots him. “Lord of Mirkwood Legolas Greenleaf” Feren says. Legolas walks in with a suit. Tauriel blushed a bit before Legolas came over to her embracing her. “Glad you came” he smiles kissing her on the cheek. She smiles spotting Kili as he walks over to her. “You look amazing” he says smiling. “I try” she smiles as he hugs hr. Legolas eyed him glaring at him. Kili dances with Tauriel as she laid her head on his chest smiling. Once they were done Legolas came over to her. He brings her to the dance floor. Tauriel laid her head on Legolas’ chest smiling even more. Kili got angry as he goes over to him. “She likes me elfboy” he says. “Kili” Tauriel says quietly. “Its up to her..dwarf like she would ever choose a swarf” Both starts arguing as Tauriel stops them. “I choose……..”
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