Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts

Just some prompts for writing... mostly horror bc I have a dark mind but whatever. Feel free to use them and if you create a story based off of one tag me so I can read it :) DISCLAIMER for those of you who do not know what the difference between horror and thriller is, thriller requires more background information and usually has more of a creepy vibe because it has a slow build up and lots of details that not many people want to know. Horror is more of a gore and blood fest and doesn’t require much detail.

published on August 12, 201831 reads 10 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.
Suicidal Sea

Suicidal Sea

Genre: Thriller

A virus has swept the nation attacking teens and children. Instead of physically attacking them it harvests itself in the brain and convinces them to walk to the ocean and drown themselves. No matter how hard the parents try to stop the children, the can not be stopped. Twenty years later the virus is finally killed and rumor has it the children who died have been returning to their families. Excited a family goes to the place their 15 year old daughter drowned to reunite with her. They make it to the site and wait for hours. As the loose hope they see a figure in the distance swimming to meet them. As their daughter gets closer to shore the family recognize her less and less. She makes her way out of the water with a half smile, seaweed in her long tangled hair which is greasy and soiled. Her body a wreck and evident she had been at the bottom of the ocean for a long time. The family runs away out of Horror and the girl is confused before looking at her reflection in the water.
“If you see me as a monster I’ll be a monster.”
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