Book of OCs

Book of OCs

My book of OCs. Some of them won’t have a world they’re from because I haven’t decided yet or they’re from a world I made up!

published on January 17, 20233 reads 2 readers 0 not completed

Yuugure Hotaru - MHA

Name: Yuugure Hotaru

Gender: Female

Hair: Deep, dark brown that is wavy and fluffy at the same time, and is naturally lighter brown at the ends, comes down to just below her shoulder blades

Eyes: Red-orange-brown, like autumn leaves mixed together

Birthday: January 1st

Personality: Curious, imaginative, caring, an empath, intelligent, very stubborn, doesn’t accept help easily, clumsy, daydreams too much to the point where she gets in trouble, trusts too much

Quirk: Dark Daylight

Quirk In-Depth: Dark Daylight allows the user to control the strongest of dark matter, pulled straight from the void itself.  It is an emitter quirk, one that can easily kill.  However, every time you pull dark matter from the void, you interact with the void.  If you interact with the void too much, in other words, use too much dark matter, you are prone to panic attacks/temporary insanity/a coma.  The void is a very dark place, more evil than your worst nightmares, and that is why it does so much damage.

Hero name: Lore

Hero suit: A World-Hero’s-Mission jacket, with those pants that guy on the Attack On Titan picture (the one where the guy is looking at the Titan and there’s fire everywhere) is wearing

Class: Class 1-A

Best Friend: Uraraka Ochaco and Bakugo Katsuki

Preferred sparring partner: Todoroki Shoto

Preferred study partner: Todoroki Shoto

Crush/Boyfriend/Future Hubby: Todoroki Shoto
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