Jackson Clay Did It

Jackson Clay Did It

Jackson Clay was abandoned by his mother at the age of five. For eleven years he lived in Black Water orphanage. Now a family has taken him in since the took him in odd things have been happening. The strange things all started the day Jackson Clay made his stay.

published on September 29, 20171 read 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.


Later that day, Jackson sat idly on the edge of the roof. He waits patiently for the kid who threw paper balls at him. Something about the guy's freckled face sparked something within Jackson, he noticed how the kid's freckles stood out against his mocha skin.  Jackson frowns, "Why do you seem so familiar, Dylan." He mutters. His legs dangled over the edge swaying slowly, "You shouldn't sit on the edge like that, it's dangerous." The deep voice from earlier speaks from behind him. Jackson turns around and grins, "I like danger. Come join me." He says as he pats the spot beside him. Dylan hesitates a little before he sits beside Jackson, the teen rubs his arm nervously. Jackson slowly snakes his hand around the boys back, with one rough shove the boy tumbles over the edge.

  Quickly the boy gripped the edge of the roof, Jackson stared down at the boy. "P-Pull me up, dude!" Dylan yelled as he gripped the roof's edge tighter, his legs flailed around wildly. Jackson rubbed his jaw in thought, "Hmm...Let me think about that...no." He said. Dylan screamed when his left hand slipped, "Do you seriously not remember me!?" He yelled desperately. Jackson furrowed his bows, annoyance showed on his face. "I-It's me! Dielan! Y-You called me that because you couldn't say my name right!" Dylan screamed again. Jackson frown and grabs his hand, hoisting the boy back up. "How do you know that name?" He asks as he grips Dylan's shoulders tight. Dylan winces, Jackson's grip is so tight.

  "You're k-kinda squeezing too hard there Jacksin," He replies. Jackson blinks and stares at the boy, slowly a grin spreads across his face. "Wait...If you knew it was me then why were you trying to pick on me!?" Jackson yelled as he put Dylan into a headlock. He screamed and squirmed out of his grip, "I-I didn't know it was you! I thought it was a different Jackson Clay!" Jackson scoffed. As if there could be another Jackson Clay. A beat of silence stood between the two boys, Dylan cleared his throat. "So, you finally got adopted?" He asked, hoping he wasn't crossing any lines. Jackson's mouth set into a grim line, "Yea after eleven years." He replies. Dylan places a hand over his mouth to hide his smile. "Well, I mean you aren't exactly the perfect little angel Jackson." That struck a nerve in Jackson, he begins to tap his thigh. That's a habit he picked up when he was seven, he only ever does it when he is angry. "I know I'm not, but considering what happened to me while I was with my mom, kinda excuses that." He replies curtly.

  A shudder of fear runs down Dylan's spine, he knows he's gone too far. Slowly the fear washes away, and curiosity replaces it. "What did happen? All you ever said was that she abandoned you." He asks. Dylan said a silent prayer, hoping he wasn't going too far again. Jackson's cold green eyes cut into Dylan's soul. "Before she gave me up, she let her boyfriends beat me, molest me, and rape me. This went on for three years." He explained emotionlessly. Dylan blinked his wide grey eyes, he never knew his friend had felt that much pain. He lightly places his hand on Jackson's shoulder, he couldn't sympathize with him because he has never felt pain like that. "Why did you never tell me? I could have told Mrs. Ketch, she could have gotten you some help." He replies softly. Something changes in Jackson's eyes, instead of cold and angry, they became soft and fearful. Dylan could feel Jackson shaking. The motion sent fear through his heart, quickly Jackson walked past the frightened teen.

  The rest of the day went by in a blur, Jackson went through his classes like a ghost. He didn't want to talk to anyone, telling Dylan about those horrible men just brought back horrible memories. He could feel his burns flare-up, the new ache in his legs reminded him of Blake, and the horrible rubbing burn between his legs reminded him of Adam. In his seventh period class, his mind played the scene of Adam's game. The scene begins in Jackson's room, he was laying in his red race car be. He was between the veil of sleep and awake, slowly his door creaked open. Adam was a tall man, he had medium length black hair and sharp brown eyes. His skin was almost the same color as an olive, in the scene he only wore his grey boxers.

  He sat down on the bed, slowly he stroked his thumb across he sleeping boys bottom lip. Jackson stirred, slowly he blinked his green eyes open. "D-Daddy?" The scene stopped there, his teacher had interrupted his thoughts. Now he is sitting in the backseat of the Sawyer's red Buick. "How was school, honey?" Asked Maggie as she looked him through the review mirror. Jackson just shrugged his shoulders, he really didn't feel talking. Maggie knew something was wrong, but she didn't pry. After they picked Benjamin up from school, Johnathan decided to take the boys out to Wendy's. Jackson simmered silently, he didn't want to go to some fast food place.

  He refused to order, so Maggie ordered for him, he sighed in defeat once the food was placed in front of him. As he ate, his mind went back to the earlier scene. "D-Daddy?" He yawned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Adam said he could call him daddy, he liked that he had a dad for once. Adam smiled down at the young boy, "Hey buddy, Daddy's got a little game he wants to play with you." He whispered. Jackson's eyes lit up momentarily, "What kind of game daddy?" He asked happily. The sound fades away, Adam had forced his hand down Jackson's pajama pants. Right away he knew this was wrong, he tried to push his hand away but that was a mistake.

  "Jackson!" Johnathan's voice broke his trance, he blinked hard and looked down at his arm. Johnathan's hand was on it. Fear shot through his body, "D-Don't touch me!" Jackson yelled as he jerked his arm away. His body began to shake uncontrollably, he was letting his guard down. 'I can't let him hurt me!' Jackson thought as he tried to clam his erratic breaths. Slowly Johnathan places his hand on the boy's shoulder, he tried not to move when the teen flinched. "Jackson I'm not going to hurt you." His voice was slow and steady. Johnathan didn't like all the attention Jackson was attracting, he huffed in annoyance and jerked the boy up by his arm. The tightness in Jackson's chest constricted, he didn't want to go with Johnathan. He tried to pry his arm out of the man's grasp as he was dragged out of the restaurant. "What on Earth is going on?" Maggie demanded when the two went outside.

  Jackson blocked out their words, he just wanted to calm down. "Jackson? Are you okay? You're shaking." Benjamin's voice broke through his sound barrier. He looked at the boy, he tried to mask his fear, but he just couldn't. Concern flashes in Benjamin's blue eyes. "Mom! Dad! You're upsetting Jackson!" He yelled as he grabbed the teens hand. The teen visibly flinched, Maggie stopped fighting with Jonathan when she saw the flinch. "Jackson honey what's got you so scared?" She asked as she takes ahold of his shoulders. He blinks hard and looks at her, Jackson opens his mouth but closes it. He doesn't know if should tell her or not. He decides not to, he puts on his emotionless mask and shrugs her hands off.

  The ride home was deadly silent, no one dared to speak. Jackson's body was tense, it was tense with fear and paranoia. When they made it home, Jackson went straight to his room. He wanted to be alone, as soon as his bedroom door shut, he broke down. His breathing came quick and shallow, tears streamed down his face. He gripped his blonde locks and repeated the only mantra he knew, "I'll be good, I'll be good, good good good!" He began to pull his hair. He knows he shouldn't do it, but it helps. When he was twelve, Jackson had begun to develop a self-destructive personality. It ranged from pulling his hair out, to chewing his nails down to bloody stubs. Miss Jewel had caught him one day, she had to hold him down to make him stop. She had sent him to a psychiatrist, but he wouldn't talk about what was bothering him.

  He stopped pulling hair and began to bite his nails, he hated doing this. "Shut up, shut up, shut the hell up!" He yelled. His biting became frenzied, his teeth would go from his nails to his skin. At one point he could taste blood, he just ignored it and the pain. He just wanted the voices to shut up. He switched hands and began to chew on those nails. They won't stop, he can hear those bastards who hurt him, his mother, the bullies at the orphanage. He hates them, he wishes that they would all die. Slowly he stopped biting his nails, a memory of voices plays in his mind. He remembers everyone's whispers about who adopted Dylan, they say the owner of the orphanage adopted him.

  Slowly a grin spreads across his face, he's got a perfect idea. The next day Jackson waited patiently for Dylan to arrive when the dark-skinned teen arrived Jackson made little time to drag the boy over to his seat. "Whoa whoa, Jackson! Slow down man, where is the fire?" Asked Dylan as Jackson pushed the boy into the seat in front of his. Jackson bounces on the balls of his feet, "I have a question for you Dielan, and you better be honest." The giddiness in Jackson's voice caught Dylan off guard. Dylan notices the giddy teen's torn fingertips and nails. He frowns, "I'll answer your question if you answer mine first." Dylan makes sure to choose his words carefully. Jackson contemplates his options, "Okay but make it quick." He replies. Dylan glances at the boy's fingertips again, "What happened to your fingers?"

  Jackson stares at his fingers for a bit, he hums to himself in thought. "I bite my nails a lit, but sometimes I get ahold of my skin and I make myself bleed. It's no big deal." He replies while pulling his black sleeves over his hands. Dylan frowns, "You really shouldn't do that Jackson. Now, what was your question?" He asks. Jackson grins and tries to hide his giddiness, "Is it true that you were adopted by the owner of the orphanage?" He asks. Dylan blinked and nodded, 'Why would he want to know that?' Dylan thought as he stared at the teen in front of him.

   "Do you know if he has any information on my mom?" The question was out before he could stop himself. Jackson knew it was a stupid question, but he's been wanting to see his mother for eleven years now. "Um...I can ask him, but I don't know if he would." Dylan replied hesitantly. Jackson places his hand on the teen's shoulder. "I know my old phone number if that would help." He says as he squeezes the boy's shoulder. Dylan sighed in defeat, "What is it?" Jackson grins and grabs Dylan's hand, he pulls out a permanent marker. He scribbled ten numbers on his hand, "If you call just ask for Alexandria, that's her name." He says as he puts the marker away. When the bell rings, Jackson takes the seat behind Dylan. Jackson didn't bother to pay attention, he was so happy with the thought of seeing his mom for the first time in over a decade.

  A tap on his shoulder catches his attention, he looks to his right and sees a girl about his age smile and wave at him. He frowns and whispers, "What do you want?" The girl's smile falters. "My friend Lucian likes you, he wants to know if you'll sit with him at lunch." She says. Jackson leans forward and sees the kid from yesterday, it was the boy he stopped in the hall. "Will you sit with him or not?" She asks again. Jackson stares at the boy for another minute, "Sure." He replies as he turns around.

  When lunch rolls around Jackson spots Lucian waiting for him by the salad bar. He notices how nervous the boy is, "I got two ideas. Turn the boy down, or string him along for the ride." He mutters. He chose to go with stringing the boy along. Jackson walks up to the boy and grins, "Hey there cutie." He says. A light blush spreads across Lucian's face. "I-I don't think I'm cute, but thank you for the compliment." The boy stammers. Jackson tries not to frown, he's not sure how long he'll be able to keep this charade up. He takes the boy's hand and leads him over to an empty table, the sit-down and begin to talk. "I-I um heard you use to live in an orphanage," Jackson clenches his jaw. 'This kid is already making a bad impression.' He thinks as he forces himself to relax.

  "Yes, I did use to live in an orphanage, but I don't want to talk about it." He replies softly. The boy looks down and picks at the lint on his dark jeans. "D-Do you self-harm or something?" Lucian asks as he gestures to the burns on Jackson's arms. Jackson pulls his sleeves down, "No I do not." He replies curtly. Slowly his patience was beginning to wash away, he hates when people ask about his burns. "Why were you at the orphanage?" That was the last straw, Jackson gripped the kids arm and squeezed. "Tell me why you really wanted to see me, because if you liked me you'd talk about normal shit." His voice was low and dangerous. He saw all the color drain from Lucian's face, "O-Okay! S-So I don't like you! Missy put me up to this!" Lucian yelps when he feels Jackson's torn nails dig into his flesh. "Is this Missy the one who told me that you like me?" He asks, is tone still low and dangerous.

  Lucian nodded his head quickly, "S-She wants to make you the laughing stock of the school!" He yells when Jackson twists his arm. Jackson glares, his eyes were a shade of blazing emerald. "Why?" He asks through gritted teeth. Lucian yelps in pain, "Y-You called her twin stupid!" Jackson releases his arm and stands up. "She wants to make me a laughing stock? Two can play that game." Jackson mumbles as he walks out of the cafeteria. At the end of the day, Jackson waits a few lockers down from Missy's. She was going to be in for a big surprise. Jackson watches as the girl waved goodbye to her friends. she began to put in the combination to her locker, a grin slowly formed on his face. When Missy opened the locker blue paint sprayed all over her, she screamed and wiped paint from her face.

  Everyone around her began to laugh, they snapped pictures of her on their phones. She looked straight at Jackson, he grinned at her and gave her the middle finger. Jackson hurried out of the school and out to his parent's car, when he got in the backseat Maggie asked how his day was. He smiles and lounges in the seat, "My day was perfect." Later that evening Jackson was helping Maggie wash the dishes from dinner, "Jackson there is a boy named Dylan on the phone for you." Said, Johnathan, as he stepped into the kitchen. Jackson dried his hands and took the phone from him. "Your mom lives in the apartment building just a few blocks from the school."

  Jackson's eyes lit up with happiness, "What's the name of the complex?" He asks as he walks into the dining room. Dylan sighs heavily, "Rosenburg Complex, apartment four." Jackson hangs up the phone and grins. "Are you going to that apartment or something?" Benjamin's voice startles him for a moment. He glares at the boy, "Yes, I am. If you say anything to your parents, I'll make your life a living hell." He says darkly as he puts the phone back on the receiver. Jackson refuses to let some little kid ruin his chance in seeing his mom. He walks to his room and whispers, "She'll remember me now...I know she will."
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