The Doctor's Daughter (10th Doctor Fanfic)

About the Doctor and meeting his daughter, Maria. Not a good decription! Very short story! But that was because I didn't like writing long stories at such a young age. *Wrote this when I was little

published on December 21, 20179 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

The Building.

Maria's POV: When we got to the building the Master threw me against a wall. I said,' Whatever you are planning you will not get away with this.'The Master says,' I don't need you I need your father the Doctor!' I slap him and he slapd me back harder than I did.' He will come for you darling!' When the Doctor he ran and I yelled,' Stop it's a trap!' He looks at the red mark on my face, he says,' What have you done to her?!' The Master laughs and says,' She deserves a very hard slap for spitting on me.' Then a muntant alien takes me and the Docto,r and throws us into the room. I cry and the Doctor says,' It's ok well get out of here and save the universe.' He whispers in my ear. I say,' I can't leave you!' He tells me to go get the others and help him.

Doctor's POV: I am very worried about my daughter. Then the Master comes and says,' WHERE IS YOUR DAUGHTER?' The Doctor says,' Even if I tell you your minions will still go out and find her!' Then I get knocked out by some random thing.
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