could you ever love the girl with scars?

could you ever love the girl with scars?

chloe garcia is beautiful sixteen year old girl she has no friends gets bullied and cuts herself one day she meets this boy and when they are talking he asks her if she cuts and she goes silent he lifts her sleeve up and see all the scars his eyes go wide and he gets up and walks out she tries to stop him but cant *ps this will be a short story sorry*

published on October 25, 20156 reads 4 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 2.
broken hearts and scars

broken hearts and scars

i walked to the park and sat down by a tree pulling my knees to my chest and put my face in my knees and stayed like that for what seemed like forever i felt someone sit down next i lifted my head and saw a beautiful boy sitting next to me he smiles "so why would such a beautiful girl be alone in the park" he asks and he moves closer to me until were not even six inches apart i lean my head on his shoulder and he gets pulling me along with him "so wheres your house"  i lead him to my house we walk up to my room and i go in first and see my blades i hide them in the bathroom and jace tries to skype me i press ignore and  the boy from the park walks in  he sits on the bed and i sit next to him i look into his eyes and next thing you know he kisses me i kiss back and  place my hand on his shoulder he pulls me close by my waist and he runs his fingers over my wrist a try not cringe but fail and he notices "whats wrong" he asks "n-nothing" i say and tears start to form he pulls my sleeve up revealing scars his eyes go wide and jace messages me on my phone
@Jace_norman1023 chloe????? are you there
@chloe_garcia_2234 yes why???
@Jace_norman1023 please forgive me
@chloe_garcia_2234 i miss you
i close my phone  as chandler walks back in from using the bathroom jace skypes me and chandler answers it "who are you" jace asks "i'm chandler and you are" he asks jace "im chloes ex" jace says " i wanted to see if she wanted to get back together me" jace says and chandler gets angry he hangs up " chloe you said you didn't have a ex" he yells  i start to cry and he gets up and runs downstairs  "chandler wait" i say and he runs outside grabbing his skate board "chloe just leace me alone he skates away and i run inside grabbing a notepad and a pencils and writing a goodbye letter

dear friends and family
i want to say thank you to everyone who was there for me
lily(big sister)
hannah(best friend for life)
mom and dad
and i would like to sorry to all the people who wasted their time on a girl like me
and my sister
i would like to sat goodbye and that i love you
jace messaged me
@Jace_norman1023 chloe you haven't answered me i'm worried
i didnt respond he kept messaging me i grabbed the sleeping pills and walked into my bedroom i heard ajces voice from downstairs calling my name i poured them all in my mouth at once and i felt my tears fall  my last vision was looking at my room and then it went black and then i saw a light and then nothing and i knew i was home

*jace's pov*
i walked in and saw chloe lying on the floor motionless i picked her up and tried to get her to wake up "come on baby please wake up i need your my everything" i hear the paramedics coming up the stairs they say shes already gone "noo" i scream and fall to the floor my best tries to stop me from running into the house but i break from his grip and run away from that house and that's when i knew that she was suicidal and wanted to break so it would hurt less but it didn't it hurt the fact that she didn't tell me about her problems is what hurt the worst about this entire situation is she never once said the words i love you i guess this means goodbye she always  my question is could you ever love the girl with scars i ran until my house and walked inside i went up to my room and flipped up the picture of me and chloe's first kiss my favorite memory and fell asleep dreaming of her
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Comments (1)

me too. i wrote this story and i made myself cry to make it even better listen to the song say something by a great big world ft. christina aguilera
on October 25, 2015