Tdc 5 Coraline special

Starlight: have you heared that a new contestant is joining the game? Thomas: ya.

published on June 23, 20182 reads 1 reader 1 not completed
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Tdc 5 Coraline special
Chapter 4.

Speedy kings

Madi: lets stick together.
Alex: found one! Wait. Thats a rubber ball that looks like an eye.
Ryan: it wont work. Lets keep finding.
Rubber eye that is Acctually a ghost eye: come back!
Allie: ill destract. Go
You know what happened.
Everyone but hyper and Dark Keinoa died
Dark keinoa: seems legit.
Loud speaker: Quick! Speedy kings! Before you die! Looks like you have 2 people left which equals 10 points. You also have a ghost eye which is also 10 points. You are up for elimination with 20 points to 70. Ummy flowerz also get Juice Box on their team.
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on June 23, 2018