Jade's love adventure 1

Jade's love adventure 1

My Sonic character is Jade. She meets a Hedgehog and gets saved by him. This is my first story!

published on May 24, 20145 reads 4 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 4.

Doctoer Midnight

--at the meadow--  Joey picked up a rose and gave it to Jade "aww thank you ^^" *blushes and kisses Joey's cheek* Jkey smiled. Rosa got an idea to stop Jade from dating --2 hours ago-- "Jade don't date! Then I won't have love!" --back to Rosa's idea-- "I can give her a poison drink hahahahahahaha *cough cough* Rosa ran up before Jade and Joey kissed. "Hey guys! Want something to drink?" Jade drunk some and fainted "Jade!" Yelled Joey. Joey took Jade to the hospital and Dr. Midnight look at her and explaned she was weak
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Comments (1)

My first quiz ^^:DB)
on May 24, 2014