The Ghost Child

This story is a sweet and sad story of two friends who moved into and old house from the 1900's and found something...interesting that changed their lives

published on October 24, 202113 reads 4 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 4.

Going to bed

“Woah,and you found this today?” Dalice asked looking at the things with shock
“Yeah,kind of weird right,like why would you leave this stuff here?” I replied while opening the photo album to show Dalice the pictures
“Woah,how old do you think this kid is?And what’s the kid's name?” Dalice asked
“I don’t know,he seems to be around seven or eight?And for the kid’s name,let me check the back of the album.” I said as I closed the album and looked at the back
“Well?” Dalice asked
“Apparently his name is Milo and he was eight when they stopped taking the photos.” I said looking back up at Dalice
“Hm interesting *yawn* well...I’m getting to bed,I have work tomorrow again,but a double shift…*yawn* see you tomorrow…” Dalice said while walking out of the room
“Alright,goodnight!” I said
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