Mario vs. Wario

Super Mario Bros.™ and Mario™ & Wario™ © Nintendo. All rights reserved.

published on November 20, 20156 reads 2 readers 0 completed
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Mario vs. Wario
Chapter 4.


Yes, Mario wins! While Wario may have the advantage in base form, Mario had the advantage when powerups, were involved. Mario not only succeeded in those terms, but also in: Speed, reflex skills, and was less dramatic, in battle. Wario did have his advantages, in: Power, durability, and intelligence. Mario, and Wario, might have the same speed though, thanks to them beating Koopa the Quick, who is claimed to run at Mach 1 speeds. That is incredible! Not to mention: Their strength also matters, as Mario has been shown lifting castles, and kicking the castles away, with ease, as Wario has been shown lifting dinosaurs, and pile-driving the dinosaurs onto the ground, also with ease. But when it came down to everything, Mario overall, takes the battle.

The winner is: "It's-a me, Mario!" - Mario.
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