The Book of Fangirl Problems

The Book of Fangirl Problems

This is a book of all the struggles that every type of fangirl has to go through.

published on October 01, 2016102 reads 20 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Fangirl Problem 3 - For Book Fangirls

When your favourite author has announced the release date of a book that you're really excited for, but it's months away.

(This is me with Holly Bourne's new book, And A Happy New Year?. It's exactly a month until the release of it now, but I've literally been waiting for the release since August, so it does seem like it's taking forever to come out.)
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Comments (2)

My bias in Kpop is like 10 years older than me… *cringes*
on December 30, 2017
a small correction: its more like the book is a year away or two
on October 02, 2016