BR: The Marriage (#9)

EJ proposed to Black Rose, and they will get married, but Offendy starts to leave everyone alone, and that's good. Right? Rose and EJ love each other, but will friends keep them apart? Thank you for all the support! Yay! Btw: sorry about skipping in chapter 4. I'm too lazy to look up the parts of a wedding

published on February 02, 20167 reads 5 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 3.

The Attack

Offenderman couldn't get in, but her was still in the Forest. "Come in, Offendy." He walked in Splendy hugged her. "Don't touch her. You promised." Offendy put his hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just wanted to wish the lucky girl good luck." Rose paled. "What does that mean?" She asked. He smiled. "Nothing! Just don't forget me." Rose's felt the blood return to your face. "You are not welcome at our wedding. Not after the attacks and threats. EJ feels the same way." Offendy frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way."
Splendy scowled. "I'm not. I'm sorry, brother, but you haven't seen kind to the family." Rose looked at his face. It showed no emotion. Offendy scowled. "Stay out of this." Splendy got up. "Stay away from them. Or else." Rose paled. She had never seen this side of Splendy. Splendy grabbed Offendy's neck. "Or else." He shoved him away, and Offendy left. Splendy turned around, and gasped. "Rose! I'm so sorry you had to see that." Rose acted normal. "You helped us. Thank you." Splendy smiled.

------Day Before Wedding: about 12:00 pm

Jane gasped. "This one. I know it." Broken shook her head. "No, the other one." Splendy cleared his throat. "I think Broken's right. This one looks a little less like its going to strangle Rose." The dress was a sparkling white dress. It was a little old-fashioned, but it was light on the fluff on the bottom. "Yeah, I like it better, too." Rose agreed. Jane shrugged. "Fine. Now try on your crown and veil." Rose gasped. "Veil!?" Jane giggled. "Yeah!" She placed a crown with a pearl in the middle on Rose's head. It glimmered in the light. Jane pulled the veil over Rose's head. "Since you don't have a father, Slendy is going to walk you down the isle. You remember that part, right?"
Rose nodded. They had gone over the whole wedding over a thousand times yesterday. "Yes. We only went over it a thousand times." Broken hugged her. "You look perfect!" Splendy laughed. "I'm almost jealous." Rose giggled. "Almost."
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