The Rifters, book 2. "Jaybird."

The Rifters, book 2. "Jaybird."

I t seems like days since Cory and his good friends had gone to Ireland, met Strike, and recovered the Irish flag... now (as in the words of General Pearl.) they come to an important historical event... the war of 1812, the Burning of York, just to recover an new recruit named Jay...

published on March 27, 20181 read 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

The start of something

The Rifters had arrived in present time, sighing and dusting them selves off. "WOW! What happened?!" said Jay, he was frantic. "You're in 2018, you're safe." said General Pearl, "You are now a part of the task force called the Rifters." "Amazing! They guys saved my hide!" said Jay. "Now Rifters, your next mission is going to prevent an soldier from dying, good luck!" said the general.
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