fanfics for lily because her phone broke

fanfics for lily because her phone broke

:)) I’m deleting this in a week so like ahahaha ?? if you like this shit just comment lmao

published on January 03, 202071 reads 11 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 5.

yandere? asahi x chia. Regret

chia ran towards the gymnasium, she was late for the practice since she had to take a test, that she missed the day prior. screams could be heard from the closed door and panic raised in her body as she thought she was missing a practice match.

As she was opening the door she began thinking, ‘ didn’t karasuno usually travel for practice matches? since when did they start coming to u-‘ her thoughts were interrupted by a dark red liquid spraying in her face, letting out a yelp of surprise. her attention from what sprayed in her face was replaced by the sight in front of her.

ruby red eyes widened, there was her boyfriend, asahi azumane. towering over his captain’s dead body, bloody knife in hand and she could see the insane grin of his face. Inspecting the gymnasium even more, she could see everyone was dead, from Coach Ukai, to tsukishima, they all lay there dead, the ones who made her laugh, Tanaka and Nishinoya. Lay there with their mouths sewn shut and eyes sewn closed. their insides becoming their outsides, the ones that were the sweetest to her, sugawara and hinata, hinata would always hug her whenever she was down.

his arms being cut completely off, tear stains, stained his pale face. sometimes he would wrap his arms around her when she gave him a piggy back ride since she sometimes felt bad of how short he was.
his lower half was cleanly cut off, laying next to him,

Sugawara, also had tear stains covering his pale face, his beauty mark chia had once complimented lay missing, muscle and blood laying in its place, he was cut open from the middle of his chest to the waistband of his chest, his heart missing and what looked like either salt or sugar lay filling in the place

she didn’t want to look anymore, she saw the girls who lay in the corner, all of them tied up, sobbing over the loss of their lovers and the fear of their lives. she would’ve ran over to save them in asahi hadn’t saw her. when the two made eye contact his smile only widen while her fear only grew.

“ chia, darling...I missed you..” he dropped the knife and walked over to his lover, going to wrap his arms around her, resulting in her pushing him away. “ what the hell asahi?! why would you do this? why would you KILL all of our friends? “

“ I did it for you.” his smile slowly disappeared, as he noticed the fear in her eyes, “ all for you.” he then heard the sobs of the girls, his ears only filled up of the screaming and his laughter to notice the sobbing girls, he turned to look at them, from sara to yuki lay tied up, sobbing. he never seen Yuki cry before.

it pained him inside as he started looking around at the gorey sights of his friends dead bodies, he was the reason for that. his best friends lay dead before him, killed at his hands. regret, he knew the feeling all too well not to know what it felt like.

regret filled with anger as he turned back to his girlfriend, seeing the forced angry expression on her face, he knew deep inside she was scared, he was taller than her and bigger. Even if it was only slightly he could still easily murder her and everyone else

the regret was completely gone when he saw she didn’t like what he did, the look of utter hatred and fear was in her eyes.
“ You don’t like it..”
“ Of course I don’t! Who would?”
“ ungrateful..ungrateful “ he repeated the word, picking up the knife making Chia’s forced brave expression drop into her true one: fear.

“ ungrateful...UNGRATEFUL!” he growled as he lunged at her, too fast for her to move as the knife stabbed into her shoulder making her screech out in pain.

He forced the knife out by turning it every which way making her screech and yell with every movement of it. Until it was out
“ I killed everyone for you, and you want more? such an ungrateful person. do you want to know how I feel? I thought you were an amazing person! Who loved even the smallest things! I was only gonna kill four people for you! But I killed the whole team so we could be together! “ tears blurred his vision and hers, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, he glared at her

“ you know what I do with ungrateful people like you?”
he received no response, making him narrow his eyes at her, “ would’ve been better if you said something.” he sighed “ but..” he flashed the knife before her eyes again, the reflection of it in her pretty red eyes only made him smile, he leaned down and moved her bangs out of the way before he kissed her forehead.

the kiss made chia tense up, before his soft lips were replaced with a knife in between her eyes, she had tensed, before  her eyes closed and her body went limb. The cries from the girls growing louder now that another person that was held close was dead.

asahi’s laughter turned into a aching pain in his chest that made him tear up as he looked at the dead body of his lover, the dead body of his teammates who did nothing but encourage and support him, regret, regret...

    regret when he got caught..regret when he confessed to the murders, regret when he was sentenced to death, regret as he was strapped into the electric chair, but as his life slowly slipped between his fingers, the regret slowly came to an end, as he lay limb in the chair...

the regret in the living world at least, the regret stayed with him in the afterlife as he was forced to watch his former teammates, former friends and former lover be happy together without him, from a tiny television, in a dark room, by himself.

   regret sure is one of the worse feelings, regret sure can make a person go insane.
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Comments (2)

It’s fixed
believe I know
on March 09, 2020
on March 09, 2020