Perseverance 2

Perseverance 2

Read the first perseverance description. I can't be bothered to write it again.

published on August 31, 201815 reads 7 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 4.


Milly stepped inside the dome, filled with perseverance. No one was in sight. The dome consisted of two rooms. The door was locked so the poor girl was limited to one. She waited there, unsure of what to do, her sword that crimson had brought in strapped to her back. Half an hour passed, however milly stayed put, still waiting. Eventually, she fell asleep.
She could hear footsteps in her dream, footsteps that sounded like they were coming from real life. She tried desperately to wake up, but it was no use. She'd have to wait until her body wanted to wake up. She began to hear voices in her sleep too. Voices coming from girls, two girls her age. How desperately she wanted to wake up. Finally she awoke and saw two figures talking to each other in the distance.
"Whos there!?" She tried to shout, however her voice was almost gone. She stood up, ready to fight.
"It's ok, don't worry!" One of the voices said to her.
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on July 31, 2023
Your story about the girl is great! I hope there will be more about Cara. I wish I could do the same with tutors from but I guess I need to study more. Some day I will become a writer myself and create literature masterpiece
on January 11, 2021