My poems (warning: Can be depressing)

My poems. I also posted these on two other sites. Please don't steal. I worked hard making these.

published on October 24, 20184 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

From the mind of an Autistic person

        Autism for different for everyone. Mine was like a million different things at once. That was when I was 8. Now it's like it invited it's buddies Anxiety and Depression over to stay. They overload me on the good days. On the bad days, everything is too much. On the bad days, I want to scream, I want to cry. But I can't. Society doesn't allow that. People shy away from me because I act differently. But I'm used to it now. I've started warning people because of how they usually react to finding out on their own. I've lost friends because of it. They say that I talk weird. They say I act weird. But I am me. My mind works differently because of my Autism. And because I have Autism, people think I'm a freak. Do you know how I feel when you make Autism jokes? I feel waves of sadness, anger, rejection, shame, and so many other things crashing over me. The waves don't stop. They bring tears to my eyes. But I don't cry. I don't want people to think I'm even more of a freak than they already do. So I stay qu
iet. I don't cry.
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