Lucid Nightmare

Lucid Nightmare

I woke up not knowing anything. Not my name, age, or even my family. All I have is my logic.

published on July 27, 201517 reads 3 readers 3 completed
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Chapter 5.

Falls and Lucid Nightmares

There was an elevator that lead up and only up, supposingly because there was only one button. I pressed the button and regret it immediately. the doors creaked open and walked in. Once I was in the doors slammed shut and started moving at a speed that made me sick. All of a sudden, I stopped moving and it was deadly quiet.
Then I started falling and screamed at the top of my lungs. Ivory and the candle were gone.. and so was the elevator.
As I hit the bottom I didn't. I woke up. This was all a dream, a lucid dream, a nightmare, or even a lucid nightmare whatever you want to call it. I was so, so relieved I broke down into tears. Then my big brother, Jared, barged into the room. Boy, was I glad to see him. "Rise and shine kiddo. You don't wanna be late for school!"
"Yup" I said. I smiled and knew I wouldn't have anymore Lucid Nightmares. :)
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Comments (3)

@ScourgeRulesWantToBeMates what wow
on August 08, 2015
on August 08, 2015
on August 01, 2015