Moving a Life

Moving a Life

If you loved horses and you had the chance of a lifetime for any horsey person would you take it or would you stay with your old life?

published on December 13, 201216 reads 6 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 4.

The day of leaving

As she woke up Sofie knew today was the day, the day she was leaving. She met Lucie one last time that morning, even though they were leavign Sofie's mum still made her go to school, and they walked not saying much unlike normal just valuing the last time they would ever walk this way together again atleast not for a very long time (however looking back on this years later Sofie would laugh alongside Lucie at the fact they couldn't talk and feeling this way). When theyt got to school they got through the whole day not even talking and when they came to the place where sofie turned off Lucie looked her in the eye. "So this is it then, the last time I'll ever see you until we leave high school," Lucie said a tear dripping down her face, "You know I never thought we would ever say good bye for the last time when we bacame friends in Nursery School."
"Yeah we've had some good times since them and bad to think of it but we always stayed strong just you and me. We used to have loads of friends back then but they started peeling away until it was just you and me." said Sofie crying.
"Yeah good times, I really don't want you to go you know, why can't you stay? Yeah I know selling Toffee and all you couldn't do it blah blah blah." Cried Lucie, " You won't forget me will you I'll never forget you ever!"
"Of course I won't but I guess we have to move on new people we can't spend all our lives alone people need other people we need other people you need someone else a little closer to home, Just cause I'm leaving it doesn't mean I'll stop speaking to you but it also doesn't mean you can just hide away all the time." Cried Sofie

"Bye for the last time" Said Lucie waving and crying.
"Bye" Said Sofie Tears streaming down her cheeks, she wanted to look back for the last time but she knew if she did she wouldn't be able to leave Lucie so she just carried on along cocklepit Lane for one last time before she left.
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