Black Rose's Beginning (Continued Even More)

This is another continuation of Black Roses Story. From here on the title of the rest of the series will be "BR: Title Goes Here." Thank you, and happy reading!?

published on January 23, 20163 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.


EJ came with her to her room, after she apologized. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring this to your family." Jeff shrugged. "We enjoy it. After the scare, of course." She giggled. EJ shut her door. "Hey, are you still okay?" Black Rose started crying. "I didn't mean to bring this to your family. I just wanted to be normal." EJ laughed. He took his mask off. Rose jumped, still getting used to his original face. It had eyes for holes, and black blood coming out of the sockets. "Trust me." He took her hand. He put it on his eyes. She breathed. It felt soft.
He took her hand away. "I just... wanted you to see that. I've never shown anyone." She nodded, and they met eyes. She pulled in, and EJ took her face. "I love you." She said, whispering. They kissed, hard. She pulled closer. He pulled his hands through her hair. It felt nice. She'd never felt this way before. It tasted like roses. He was so perfect for her. They slowly pulled apart, and looked at each other. He said the same thing: "I love you too." Slender called them from the other side of the house. They walked out, Rose going first. "I'll meet you in my part of the Forest." EJ nodded. "Don't forget the kidneys!" She giggled. "Of course." She headed to Jeff's room. Knocking on the door, he said quietly, "Come in!"
She entered, and saw Jeff throwing knives at his wall. "Oh. Hi." He no ticked her. That was a start. She started. "I'm sorry for this morning. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to make you feel-." Jeff looked at her. "None of this is your fault. We saw you. You weren't normal. If you didn't see fire here, you would have see it at home. That wouldn't have gone well with your parents." She smirked. "True." Jeff continued. "I watched you for a long time. You weren't doing well. I could watch you get hurt. I've killed many, but you wouldn't give in to your parents." She looked at the ground. "They wanted you gone. They said it. It was them or you." She turned invisible. "I have to go." She rushed out of the room. "Jane! Where are you?" Jane called, "In my room!" She went in.
"Jane, do I stay in this outfit forever?" Jane shook her head. "If you change, your former might get dirty, but your new one will stay clean. Why do you need something?"
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