Mindless behavior meltdown

A girl helps mindless behavior win a singing contest even though they broke up.

published on May 04, 201419 reads 9 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chyna's Lab Part 2

So when we stopped screaming and she said, "Let me try this again," she restated in a normal voice, "I am back." she said. She said, "I brought two of my huskies back though." then I said, "You now you can't bring dogs in this..." then I was disrupted by an alarm.
It sounded. "What in the name off your chemicals is this?" Chelsey said. "Oh that alarm," Chyna said, "It's either a fire alarm, a chemicals that got mixed wrong alarm, a there's a hole in the universe alarm, a I messed up the space time continuum alarm, or a feed your dogs in Alaska alarm." she said. "Well they're all bad because you just came from Alaska" Chelsey said. "But, I forgot to feed them,", all of us sighed. "I'll be right back." she said, and in a flash she was gone. "Is she always scary like that?" Prodigy said. "Most of the time." I said. "I'M BACK!" she said with more screams than the first time. "Stop doing that!" Prodigy said. "Wait, is that a celebrity Alex?" Chyna said. "Yes." I said with a sigh and a grunt. "You know if the celebrity isn't from 1D or Justin B. they're not allowed." she said. "But I have a $50,000 offer for you" he said, "Explain," Chyna said.
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