

Someday's is a major trigger warning. If you feel uncomfortable with self harm, murder, suicide, k!dnapping, fighting, and swearing. This book is NOT for you.

published on March 05, 202135 reads 13 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Day 3

(Dairy's POV)

   Today I did something productive! I took my little sister to school and made my Mother coffee. She wasn't in a very good mood though... She asked me why I was "failing at being helpful'' I didn't want to respond... It would only make things worse than they already are. I know my Mother, when she's mad.... She doesn't calm down unless she's had some bozze... And I sure wasn't going to buy my Mother booze. That was my one line crosser. I would NEVER do something like buy my Mother booze. Sorry that's a line crosser.

                                                                                                                                                Date: 12/25/29
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