MLP The Princess

MLP The Princess

Twilight and her friends need to fight to a new princess they found read book to find out.

published on July 31, 201427 reads 10 readers 3 completed
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Chapter 4.

The light

Twilight and rarity goes first they make light in there horns using magic
Spike sits on twilight
Spike: how long is this place?
Twilight: i dont now
Twilight: im do t sure this is a place
Rarity: what do u mean?
Twilight: maybe we dont now were we are but we either dont now what we are walking on or if we are a place.
Apple: is that a light?
Pinkie: if thats a candy i want it!
Flutter: It doesnt look it is a light
Rainbow: but it maked light
Flutter: yes but it isnt on something
Rainbow: but its still a light
Flutter: no
Rainbow: what else is it then
Flutter: i dont know

Read book to find out the next.
Book 2 will come soon.
Writed by Laurita
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Comments (3)

I like it!
on September 19, 2014
weird but awesome at the same time
on August 16, 2014
whatch the grammer. otherwise, awesome!
on July 31, 2014