The Book of My OCs.

These are my OCs. I've seen others do this, so I decided to do one of my own! Now I will add on to it, so have fun!

published on April 15, 201419 reads 7 readers 2 not completed
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The Book of My OCs.
Chapter 3.
Voodoo the Doll Master

Voodoo the Doll Master

Real Name: UNKNOWN
Race: Undead
Age: around 10
Looks: grey skin, stitched smile, grey eyes, black hair
Wears: The pic
Powers: voodoo-dolls
Abilities(scale from 1-10):
Speed- 7
Agility- 6
Strength- 9
Thinking- 10
Friends: NONE
Crush/Lover: BEN
Dislikes: Jeff
Rival(s): NONE
Summary: Voodoo had been a sweet and shy girl until Jeff killed her and carved her smile. Her mother stitched up the smile and buried her. Voodoo rose from the dead with the power of the voodoo-doll.
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Comments (2)

on September 20, 2023
That Looks asome!!
on June 02, 2014