the thing about love

this story is about two people who love each other but their is a another person who is inlove with the girl but she dont love him

published on April 24, 201438 reads 11 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

the day Tommy asks me out

i a m just getting ready for school now and i will ready in 10 mins but i have to be quick so i can get to school on time.
i am now at school and Tommy is just coming up to me and he says "will you go out with me as boyfriend and girlfriend"
i reply with "i don't know because i still love Jacob and my heart is still with him but i guess it might be OK because he is with someone but when he breaks up with her i will leave you and go back to him because he is my only true love and i don't want to lose him."
i then see him on his own and i go up to him and say "whats wrong ?" he then says
"she has left me !" i say " why what happened between you and her?"
he then said "I cant be with her because my heart is set on someone else and that someone feels the same way because she has told me " who is it ?" "You because you are the only one i care for and i never want to lose you like i did before i love you and i never want you to leave and go with someone else."
" I know but Tommy has just asked me out and i said yes but because we both feel the same way i will be your girlfriend you are the only one i want I LOVE YOU and you will never leave me again."
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