Love...I'd rather fall in chocolate!

Love...I'd rather fall in chocolate!

Don't miss out on reading this romantic comedy. It combines funny characters with awkward moments and relatable situations. Enjoy!

published on March 24, 201450 reads 19 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Ditching class

I had never ditched class before. I had never had the guts to and if I did I wondered what I would do with all the time I had on my hands. I would have to avoid all teachers which restricted where I could go quite a bit and I think I would get really bored. This wasn't the first time I had been asked to ditch class. PJ's friend Todd had asked me to before PJ and I started going out. I wasn't close at all with Todd and felt really uncomfortable around him. He was always texting me, asking for nudes and stuff like that. There was no way I was ditching class for that little creep.
I wasn't close with Ben either. We had only just met but already I was sort of comfortable around him. I was uncomfortable because I never knew what to say but comfortable because something told me that Ben was a gentleman and wouldn't do half the stuff Todd would do, especially if the girl was uncomfortable with it.

Ben and I made our way to the oval. There were absolutely no teachers out there today because the oval had been banned for the week. I think it was because right at the back no teachers could see you and you could get away with anything. Some couples had already taken advantage of that, so the teachers had banned going out there all together. Of course, being a wide open stretch of grass it wasn't easy to get to the back without being noticed, so we walked along the edge and stayed close to the trees. We chatted as we walked, making sure we always had one eye out for the teachers.
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Comments (5)

nice. please write more
on July 06, 2014
on April 24, 2014
Yeah its a true story, but I need some more ideas because otherwise it might get boring so please help me!!! thanks for reading and if you want to you can read my other story Don't ever forget the life you left behind, im pretty proud of that one (true story too) thanks so much :)
on March 26, 2014
This is a good story! Is it true?
on March 25, 2014
I hope the start of this story is ok. Please post your ideas for what should happen next and I will give a shout out in the story to you if your idea gets in it :) , but if you have any mean things to say please don't say them. Thanks so much :)
on March 24, 2014