A Long Wait

A Long Wait

This story is about a girl. Her name is Juliette. When something terrible happens, and she is in a wonderful place, She wonders if her best friend will come join her, too.

published on November 29, 201344 reads 13 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 5.

The summon

Where is Juliette? I know she survived the fire. This is what Claudia was thinking when she saw her best friends house destroyed. Woof! "A minute, Beau!" Claudia said. Claudia was taking care of Beau now for a while. She walked to school. when she came home she decided to take a look at Juliette's house. She flung her book bag on the burnt grass and looked around. She looked up to where Juliette's room used to be. She asked if she could go up there. A fireman came with her. She went up to Juliette's room. part of the floor was caved in from the explosion. She looked at her bed. Juliette's favourite stuffed animal, a stuffed dog named Chewy was sitting there. He was burnt, but Claudia picked up Chewy and held on to him. After a while the fireman said "Was she your friend?" "She still is. Juliette is not dead." Claudia said, and left. That night, Claudia had the weirdest dream. she was in heaven. "Claudia!" I said. "Juliette!!!" Claudia said. "I miss you so much!" I said. "I knew you weren't dead!" Claudia said. "Claudia, I AM dead!" I said to her. "what am I going to do without you?" Claudia screamed. "get a new best friend!!" I said to try to calm her down. "Like I can just get a new eye! Juliette, your a part of me! If you die, I DIE!!!" Claudia screamed. Then she woke up.
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Comments (1)

Kinda cool. I don't like the suicide part though.
on May 11, 2014