

Some quotes for you to enjoy! Of course, I can't take all of the credit, as others have thought of these quotes. I would also like to thank the internet. I will add more as soon as I can!

published on September 25, 201393 reads 33 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 4.

~ 4 ~

The alphabet begins with ABC, numbers begin with 123, music begins with do-re-mi, and friendship begins with you and me.

Me: For the first time in my life, things seem to be getting better :)
Life: LOL, give me a second!

I don't know why people choose life over death. Think about it, death is peaceful and easy and you don't even feel pain (unless you are murdered or in an accident, but even so you would only feel it for a split second). Life however, is very hard. People are mean and you go through pain and work and pay money and have people moan at you.

Why I love to smile: 1% to look nice, 2% to be happy and 97% to make my enemy really annoyed.

The other day I said: "When life gives you lemonade, make lemons." And life was all like What???
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Comments (3)

on September 28, 2013
This is awesome my favorites were "Have you noticed that 'studying' is students and dying put together" and "Why I wear thick socks, 1% to be warm, 1% to be conformable, and 98% to slide across the floor like a freakin' ninja" :3
on September 28, 2013
I've only read chapter one and i love this
on September 28, 2013