special girl ( tamaki x reader, host club love story)

special girl ( tamaki x reader, host club love story)

my life has changed since I first started ouron high school. I tried to find a quiet place to work.

published on September 04, 2013117 reads 31 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 5.

prevew on the next part

hey guys, im going to end it here. so tun in to read the next part called forever together. so here is a prevew of the next story..........

its been three months of tamaki and I dateing, I wondere what he called me to his house for?

so this is going to be a surprise for you guys so hoped you enjoyed this story and remember to check out forever together.... bye.
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Comments (2)

Awesome story so far keep up the great work ??
on January 01, 2017
Plz update
on November 08, 2013