One Direction Fan Fiction

This is about me, sorry all you one direction lovers but you can substitute me for you if you want. I hope to add chapters as often as I can

published on August 31, 2013490 reads 38 readers 9 completed
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One Direction Fan Fiction
Chapter 16.
Chapter 16: make up and break up

Chapter 16: make up and break up

Authors note: this is where things get really good. Like all great Fan Fictions her ex-boyfriend is the jealous type! (shout out to @Chocolatelover on her fan fiction, hurt a one direction fanatic). Back to the story!
I woke up looking at my clock. 10:30. I guess its time to get up. I stumbled out of bed and got into the shower. I stood and let the hot water fall on me. I was in the shower for a long time. When I got out I collapsed on my bed. I thought I shut my eyes for five minutes but when I awoke to my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey! I've called like four times. We are going to be at your house in an hour to pick you up, Ok?" Niall said.
"Pick me up? Oh yeah ok! see you then." I said
"Did you forget?"
"No. I just lost track of time. See ya!" and I hung up. I put on a nice dress and did my hair. I was hurrying through everything but I actually looked nice. I was in the middle of drying my nails when the door bell rang.
"It's open." I yelled. The door opened and closed. "Just give me a second to grab my shoes and then we can go."
"Go where?" It wasn't Niall's voice. It wasn't any of the guys voice's. I turned around to see Scott standing at my side. He hugged me and I retreated.
"Oh come on. You didn't think I meant it when I said I wanted to break up did you? I was kidding. It was the spring break ritual for all the guys on the football team to do that." He tried to explain.
"Scott, you can't expect me to believe that. My heart shattered and it was real pain whether or not the break up was real."
"Would you take me back? Please say yes Taylor."
"Ok." I said and I kissed him on the lips. He kissed back very passionately. Once it was over and we were back to breathing normally I said, "By the way, I'm dumping you right now. It's over." The look of happiness and relief fled from his face in an instant. Red replaced it.
"You broke my heart and I've moved on. Get out of my life because I am out of yours." There was so much hurt in his eyes. The door bell rang and we didn't move. It rang again and I could here Liam shouting, "Taylor! Its time to go. We are going to be late."
"Coming." I shouted then mumbled to Scott, "and you should be going."
"Fine." On his way out he ran his shoulder into mine. I stumbled backwards and he laughed.
"You have caused me a lot of pain. You don't want me as your enemy, Taylor, and you are not done with me no matter how much you want me to be." With that he smacked me and walked out.
"Go to h*ll!" I screamed at the door. I turned, grabbed my shoes and walked out the door into Liam's arms.
"What was that about?" he asked
"Scott just being the butt-hole he is. Come on lets go." and we were off
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Comments (9)

Its Okay
on January 25, 2014
And your story :p
on October 04, 2013
Thanks for the shoutout :) I love you sista!
Thx Girl. You should update yours. I love reading it
on June 25, 2014
on October 04, 2013
amazing. maybe Naill comes back and explains that she's having a child? good though!
on September 29, 2013
It is pretty good I'll admit :) I like it nice work :)
on September 02, 2013
the story's not over until I write The End and there is a happy ending
on August 31, 2013
It's a lovely story, did that really happen? If not, it doesn't matter but I wish that happened to me! :)
on August 31, 2013
please tell me what you think even if you think its bad
on August 31, 2013