Pony pals

Pony pals

Hi all, this is my 1st story, plz comment what you thought. I don't care how bad you criticise me it will all help with my next book... Enjoy. P.s. this is my fan made story, it is not MLP. P.p.s. the pictures aren't any of my horses. I also use some pictures from MLP:FIM and these pictures are hasbros.

published on July 30, 201379 reads 17 readers 23 completed
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Chapter 9.
The wedding

The wedding

"Wake up prince it's 5 am" Flash says to the prince, the prince wines "1 more hour Flash" and puts his head under the covers. Flash grabs a corner of the covers and yanks hard, the prince falls to the ground with a grunt. Flash gasps, "Oops sorry prince Edward" prince Edward gets up "it's ok, it got me up" Flash gives the prince his tux and the prince gets dressed. Flash asks "are you ready?" The prince sighs "just got some butterflies" Flash comforts him "you'll be fine, just don't forget your vows" the prince nods and the two head to the royal garden. All of the princes family is there and so is the princesses, "darling it's been so long, how are you?" Lilly's mother says to Flash, Flash responds "I'm good Mrs. Love-heart." Mrs. Love-heart asks "have you found your special some pony?" Flash responds "yes I have, she is Lilly's best mane." Mrs. Love-heart nods, hugs Flash, then returns to her seat.

In Princess Lilly's room Daisy and Princess Lilly are getting ready. "Lets go over your vows one More time." Daisy chirps. Princess Lilly clears her throat. "If you ask me if I need you.. The answer is forever. If you ask me if I'd leave.. The answer would be never. If you ask what I value.. I'll say you. And when you ask if I love you.. The answers... I do." Daisy is teary eyed. "That is beautiful." Princess Lilly hugs her and says, "I hope you marry Flash. He will make a great husband." Daisy looks at the princess. "How do you know?" The princess replies, "back at school me and Him were vary close, he said he would do anything for his wife." Daisy smiles, "we'll let's look at who's important today. This wedding is going to be amazing" and the two mares walk to the royal lounge and wait.

The fillys and colts sing "here comes the bride." All ponies stand and look to the back. Mr. Love-heart is walking his daughter down the isle, "I'm so proud of you." He whispers in her ear. As they get to the podium Mr. Love-heart kisses her on the cheek and stands back. Big Bill starts, "Thank you fillys and colts you may take your seats."   The fillys and colts go and sit by there parents. Bill continues, "today we are here to bring two alicorns together as one. princess, will you read your vows  to Prince Edward." Princess Lilly clears her throat. "If you ask me if I need you.. The answer is forever. If you ask me if I'd leave.. The answer would be never. If you ask what I value.. I'll say you. And when you ask if I love you.. The answers... I do." The princess sheds happy tears. Bill says, "an y'all vows prince Edward." Prince Edward takes a deep breath. "Through each day and through each night, my thoughts of you feel so right.
You make my heart beat fast and strong, my love for you is like a song.
I will love you throughout my life, so would you become my wife." Big Bill looks at the crowd. "Now for a speech by Flash Pegasy." Everypony cheers as Flash steps forward.  "Lilly. We have grown up together, I remember in pony-care when you 1st came in the 1st thing you did was. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then when you opened them I was right there. You nearly jumped on Mr. Hoof. Then at school when me and you were the last to get our cutie marks. When we were being laughed at and being called blank flank." Flash looked at Gem. "You said. what's so bad about a blank flank? It just mean you will have a vary special cutie mark one day. They day we left school was the best time for you. As the next morning you called and told me you got a cutie mark. You were my PFF... Pony Friends Forever. Now your Prince Edwards SPF. Special Pony Forever." Everypony cheered. Flash continued "and Prince Edward. we meet at such a awful time. when i was laying on the ground. Lilly helped me up. I went to bow then fell right down. I hope that from this time on, we meet where both are fit an strong... good luck guys" the crowd cheers as Flash stepped back. Big Bill exclaims. "And now for a poem by Gem. Gem walks up and starts.
"today I stand and say to you.
You've watched me ga and go.
You watched me grow to this vary day.
Now I am happy to say.
From this day forth I will watch.
As every day your love will grow." Gem hugs Lilly, then as she hugs Edward she whispers "I love you" in his ear. Then she returns to her seat. Bill steps forward and says the the Cree. Then after the I do's exclaims, "I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss the bride." As they kiss everypony cheers.

Flashes parents go up to princess Lilly. "You look beautiful. I remember The 1st day you came to visit Flash after school one day. You both talked about who your some pony could be." Princess Lilly laughs. "That's right, and at one point me and Flash talked about what wedding wed have if we got married." Prince Edward chuckled. "We'll if you did marry him, you'd still be a vary lucky mare."

Mrs. Love-heart walked up to Flash and Daisy. "You two make a great couple." She then turns to Daisy. "I can see why he would choose you. You are a vary beautiful mare." Daisy blushes. Mrs. Love-heart continues. "Now  Flash. When you get married you must invite me. She is a keeper" and then she walks off. Daisy whispers into Flashes ear, "can we go somewhere quiet." Flash nods and they fly to his room. Flash asks, "what is it daisy?" Daisy replies. "This wedding has got me thinking. When we get married could we have it here." Flash kisses Daisy and whispers. "Where ever you want and whenever you want." Daisy looks at Flash. "flash. how many fowls would you want?." Flash smiles. "i dont mind how many. as long as you are happy." They walk down the hall, as they do they meet the prince and princess. "Just the ponies I was looking for." Daisy says. "When me and Flash get married, may we have it here." The royals look at each other then princess Lilly says. "Of corse. It would be lovely." Flash asks. "Where r u 2 love birds off to." The prince answers. "We're off to our room." Daisy and Flash let them pass. As they get back to the others Pat comes. "Excuse me. You don't mind if I dance with Flash do you." Daisy nods.

Big Bill sees everypony dancing. Then he sees Daisy standing alone. "Would you care to dance." Bill asks. Daisy looks up at him. "Sure." After a few songs dJ-colt says. "Ok ponies. Grab a parter and dance close. This is a love song, called All out of love. This song is dedicated to Flash and Daisy. By princess Lilly. Two lights light up Flash and Daisy. The two walk up to each other. The song plays. The Two ponies dance close. Princess Lilly and Prince Edward spy on them from there window and smile before closing the blinds. As the song finishes Flash kisses Daisy and the crowd aw's.
Flash and Daisy wave goodbye to the last of the guests. It was midnight. The two retreat to there room. They see there beds are a body length away from each other. They lay down and soon fall asleep.
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Comments (23)

Wow, ottimo lavoro
on December 18, 2013
Thank you
on September 05, 2013
This was wonderful! I love it!
on September 05, 2013
Sassymaker100 thank you. Check out Pony Pals: 2
on August 19, 2013
Very good work bravo:)
on August 19, 2013
on August 11, 2013
Thank you SparrowClawFan
on August 08, 2013
Wow this is amazing! I love it!!
on August 08, 2013
Thank you Primcess_Twilight. I hope you enjoy the next book.
on August 08, 2013
wow awesome its cool cause its long
on August 08, 2013
Ah, finally finished! Uploading now...
on August 04, 2013
I may not finish the book today. I was up late last night watching Jurassic park. I managed to write 1 chapter... Enjoy
on August 03, 2013
Yay! Can't wait!
on August 02, 2013
3 to 5 chapters remaining in pony pals. I will add them within 20 hours. I will then add a page called Firestar Stories, feel free to chat to me on there...
Again plz feel free to comment what you think, this is my 1st story so I'd like as much info to help with my next book. ;)
on August 02, 2013
on August 01, 2013
I will be writing the rest. I'm up to where I am. I will post the new chapter/chapters rather Saturday, Sunday, Monday (NZ date)
on August 01, 2013
on July 31, 2013
I'm about to add the 5th chapter... Plz comment on what I could do to make tho better and plz rate.
on July 31, 2013
Thank you DragonFireGirl101:)
on July 30, 2013
it is a very good story! Ill try to do a review on this ASAP! :D
on July 30, 2013
This is my own twist to MLP. It's called Pony pals till I find a better name. :)
on July 30, 2013
You should make more!
on July 30, 2013
It's Manehatten, not Maneton... BUT IT'S VERY GOOD! I LOVE IT!
on July 30, 2013