Pony pals

Pony pals

Hi all, this is my 1st story, plz comment what you thought. I don't care how bad you criticise me it will all help with my next book... Enjoy. P.s. this is my fan made story, it is not MLP. P.p.s. the pictures aren't any of my horses. I also use some pictures from MLP:FIM and these pictures are hasbros.

published on July 30, 201379 reads 17 readers 23 completed
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Chapter 7.
Another surprise

Another surprise

Rainbowflash leaves with Big Bill to go to visit there granny in hospital. Daisy and Flash come in and the others cheer. Violet Hugs daisy "I'm so glad you found your special some pony" daisy replies "thanks mom". Raincloud look at them and nod, daisy puts her head on Flashes shoulder, the princess speaks, "there's a party in town and I like you all to come". As all 5 ponies enter town the princess flys on stage "hello Maneton, I have an announcement to Make" everypony quiets down and the princess continues "in Honor of his bravery I call up Flash" flash limps up and the princess continues "I dub thee Sir Flash" and she taps his shoulders with her horn "for standing up for a mare in distress" the whole town erupted with cheer. "Thank you Lilly" Flash beams and hobbles back to daisy. Pat came up to him "I'm glad you can sorta walk now. " pat said, Flash replied "thanks, I guess laughter is the best medicine" pat smiles "we'll I better go see DJ-colt, see ya round" and bounces off. Flash kisses daisy "what a wonderful day, being dubed a sir, finally able to walk... And best of all fell in love with the most beautiful mare" daisy looks lovingly at him and the both walked off giggling and chatting.

"The prince has arived" DJ-colt announced over the speaker. "What did I miss?" Said the prince as he watched daisy and flash walking off the princess replied, "they fell in love with each other" the prince looks at Lilly "did you help with this?" princess Lilly looked at her soon to be husband "I asked if he had a special some pony" the prince smiled "you really care about Flash don't you?" Princess Lilly replied "of corse we've been PFF's since ponycare" the prince nods. " I'm glad to see he's slowly starting to walk again" the princess nods.

Daisy leads Flash home then into her room. "Let's have some fun" she says. The two ponies play around then collapsing onto the bed. Flash lays with Daisy. On the way back Flash asks "Would you like to join me to attend and help with the royal wedding?" Daisy's jaw drops "boy would I! Could I be one of her manemaids?" Flash smiles "Lets ask". The two then walk back to the others "princess" daisy asks "may I be one of your manemaids?" Princess Lilly smiles "even better, would you like to be my best mane?" Daisy nearly faints, the prince then speaks "and Flash would you like to be my best stallion?" Flash smiles from ear to ear "how could I refuse" pat walks by "pat" the prince calls, pat bounces over and bows "yes prince Edward" the prince asks "me and princess Lilly are planning a wedding, and I wanted to ask if you could plan the bridle party and after party?" Pat exploded "oh boy yes! I have SO many ideas" and races off with princess Lilly"you to girls" pat calls to Daisy an Violet" violet follows, daisy kisses flashes cheek then follows her mother.

The prince and Flash talk for a bit then the prince says "shall we head to the castle?" Flash replies, "but I don't have enough hoof dollars" the prince laughs "we'll take my chariot" Flashes eyes lighten up. As the prince and Flash hop in the chariot everypony goes to wave goodbye, the chariot then takes off and the prince speaks "I'd like to hear about what Lilly was like as a filly" Flash smiles "we'll we meet in ponycare and we were PFF's till the end if school. It was hard for me and lilly as we were blank flanks and were laughed at, but after school I got my cutie mark from being so quick to help others and was quick to make friends, and quick to find the answers. I didn't think Lilly would get hers but she has the best cutie mark... Other then your" the prince chuckled "yes, well all our cutie marks are unique" the two stallions chatted till they arrived at the castle "welcome back sir" George bowed "who is this with you?" The prince glanced at Flash "this is Flash my Best stallion. Oh your sister should be here soon, she has some news for you" George nods. As the prince and Flash sat down in the royal lounge Gem came in "excuse me Edward" the prince looked at gem "yes Gem" Gem was about to speak when she saw Flash "ah, hey flash, what r u doing here?" Flash tilted his head and replied "I'm here to plan with the prince, what about you Gem?" Gem beams "Lilly is my cousin, I'm helping plan the fillys and colts songs for the wedding" Flash smiles. Gem turns to prince Edward "will we be singing as Lilly enter or when you both exit?" The prince smiles at Gem "could you manage both?" Gem light up "we could try" and races off. The prince and Flash then talk about the stallion party.

The mares arrive at the castle "welcome back princess" George bows "who have I the pleasure of meeting?" The princess dips her head "this is Pat, she will be planning my bridle party and the after party, and this is Raincoud, she will be designing my dress, and this is Dash, she will prepare the meals" George greets pat, Raincloud and Dash then hugs his mother and sister, Daisy says "George I got amazing news!" George looks at her "what's the news little sis?" Daisy bursts "I fell in love with a handsome stallion, and he kissed me!" beaming George asks "who is this luck stallion?" Daisy speaks "do you remember the stallion who tried to help me with father" George nodded "we'll that's him, his name is Flash" George's eyes flash and he hugs her. The princess speaks "George you may be off duty to spend time with your family" George nods and the 7 ponies enter the castle
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Comments (23)

Wow, ottimo lavoro
on December 18, 2013
Thank you
on September 05, 2013
This was wonderful! I love it!
on September 05, 2013
Sassymaker100 thank you. Check out Pony Pals: 2
on August 19, 2013
Very good work bravo:)
on August 19, 2013
on August 11, 2013
Thank you SparrowClawFan
on August 08, 2013
Wow this is amazing! I love it!!
on August 08, 2013
Thank you Primcess_Twilight. I hope you enjoy the next book.
on August 08, 2013
wow awesome its cool cause its long
on August 08, 2013
Ah, finally finished! Uploading now...
on August 04, 2013
I may not finish the book today. I was up late last night watching Jurassic park. I managed to write 1 chapter... Enjoy
on August 03, 2013
Yay! Can't wait!
on August 02, 2013
3 to 5 chapters remaining in pony pals. I will add them within 20 hours. I will then add a page called Firestar Stories, feel free to chat to me on there...
Again plz feel free to comment what you think, this is my 1st story so I'd like as much info to help with my next book. ;)
on August 02, 2013
on August 01, 2013
I will be writing the rest. I'm up to where I am. I will post the new chapter/chapters rather Saturday, Sunday, Monday (NZ date)
on August 01, 2013
on July 31, 2013
I'm about to add the 5th chapter... Plz comment on what I could do to make tho better and plz rate.
on July 31, 2013
Thank you DragonFireGirl101:)
on July 30, 2013
it is a very good story! Ill try to do a review on this ASAP! :D
on July 30, 2013
This is my own twist to MLP. It's called Pony pals till I find a better name. :)
on July 30, 2013
You should make more!
on July 30, 2013
It's Manehatten, not Maneton... BUT IT'S VERY GOOD! I LOVE IT!
on July 30, 2013