What're You Hoping For? || A Zachary Sayle/Toursies Story

There aren't many (or any) Newsies stories on here, so I took the liberty of adding one that I've been working on for a while. It's a ship between my character, Faith Flaherty, and Zachary Sayle, who played Crutchie in the first North American tour of Newsies.

published on February 25, 201944 reads 2 readers 2 not completed
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What're You Hoping For? || A Zachary Sayle/Toursies Story
Chapter 3.


Ben’s P.O.V.
        It had been a week since I met Faith, and I hadn’t seen her since. I’d gotten to the theater at five forty-five every morning, and I’d looked for her in the audience every performance, but to no avail. She had just disappeared. Sky’d been acting strange since that day too, and I couldn’t figure out why.
        We had just finished the matinee, and I was walking back to my dressing room when I passed Jeff’s office. The door was open, and I saw a head of red hair sticking out over the top of the chair in front of his desk. I shook it off as nothing. Sky’s probably talking to him about something. But as I walked into our dressing room, Sky was sitting in a chair by the side of the room.
        “Hey, Ben,” he said, not looking up from his phone.
        “Sky, I thought you were in Mr. Calhoun’s office,” I told him. He looked at me and shook his head. I shook it off as dehydration. I grabbed my water and took a drink.
        “Hey, did you hear that we’re getting a Girlsie?” Sky asked. I looked at him and shook my head. “Yeah, he already had auditions too. She’s supposed to be coming today, but no one knows who it is.”
        “Are we supposed to stay until she gets here?” He nodded. I got changed out of my costume and into sweatpants, a Newsies hoodie, and blue Nikes. Once Sky was changed, we walked out of the dressing room and into the main area backstage. Everyone except Jeff and Zach were already there. We sat down in the floor with Josh and Sky pulled his phone out.
        “Hey!” Josh exclaimed. “You’re not the last ones here this time!” Not even ten seconds later, Zach came running in and slid to the floor a few feet in front of us. “He is.” I smiled and Zach looked back at us.
        “I know, I know. Who was first?” he asked the whole cast.
        “That would be me,” we heard Jacob say from a few feet to the right.
        “Alright, what do you want?” Zach asked. “I’ll get it after this.”
        “What I always want.”
        “One Grande Peppermint Mocha coming up in however long this takes.” Jeff walked out of his office and stood in front of us.
        “Hey, guys,” he said.
        “Hi, Dad!” Josh yelled. Everyone laughed, including Jeff.
        “Hi, Josh,” he said. “As some of you may have heard, we have a new character who will join us on tour. To add something to the show, and to address the fact that there were girl newsies, we added a new Girlsie. Her name is Stat, and, Ben?” I looked up from Sky’s phone. “Stat and Race will have an added dance section with just the two of them in King of New York.” I gave him a thumbs up.
        “But who’s gonna play Stat?” Dan asked.
        “Well, that’s what you’re all still here for, or Jacob would’ve gotten his coffee by now,” he replied. “She’s here, and I wanted you all to meet her. Come on out.” A girl came out of his office and I had to stop myself from gasping.
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Comments (2)

I would use that--in fact I have unfinished stories on there under CrutchieMorris--but I can only access it on my kindle, on which the internet no longer works.
on March 01, 2019
i suggest watt-pad.
on March 01, 2019