The Man Who Was 10 Feet Tall

The Man Who Was 10 Feet Tall

The dude who was 10 feet tall story. (NO NOT ROBERT WADLOWS). Also shows you how to grow tall!

published on June 28, 201384 reads 17 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 3.

The 9 Year Old 7 Footer

RAWR! Mom- CRAPPPP! Slenden- It is just me, I am 7 foot! Mom- How the heck are you frikin 7 feet tall at 9?
Slenden- I exercise and drink milk and eat cheese! Dad- SON!!!!!!! You should really play basketball! God gave you the tallness!


Slenden- I towered over teachers! Now to be taller than the principal! Principal- Hi Slenden, you are tall! Welcome, and how old are you? Slenden- I am uh, 9! Principal- AHHHHHHHHHH! You are gonna break a record! KIDS! Broady- WHAT (gasps) How old is that dude? Principal- He is not a dude! HE IS 9. Broady- Crap! I WANT YOUR AUTOGRAPH! Slenden- Heh. Okay!

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