True Friendship

True Friendship

This is not a stupid fake story, a story that is dramatic, because this is a true story of two best friends who experienced so much of the same things that they were meant to be besties!

published on June 16, 201338 reads 11 readers 5 completed
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Chapter 5.


We still live in that house, still get straight A's, still are best friends, and we still are sisters. We now have a foundation called the Parent's Need Guardian Angels Too or the PNGAT and it raises money for parents who have an illness or medical problem. We are designing the website right now, on the second monitor. If you have a parent or friend who needs money to pay for an illness look up Red Cross Charity and the R.L. Glasspool Charitable Trust.
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Comments (5)

you could seriously be famous
on June 27, 2013
Oh my that was so moving! I f my mum died I would NEVER be able to cope! x
on June 19, 2013
I'm better than I thought I would be, so I guess I'm alright. I love having Veronika as my sister! She's cool and fun and smart! I miss my mom, but she's not suffering anymore, so I guess it's pretty good! And my stepmom is really cool too! I've known her since first grade (obviously) but she's pretty similar to my mom... I don't really like that... I want to See More▼
on June 16, 2013
im so so so so so so sorry about your mom but at least on the bright side you have a new step mother and your best friend is your step sister right?
on June 16, 2013
I made three mistakes that I just saw, so I'm sorry about that. This is a true story about Veronika and I. We really did move into that exact house, we really are sisters now, and we really do have straight A's all year!
on June 16, 2013