SHORT Remake of the Hunger Games!!

SHORT Remake of the Hunger Games!!

Featuring guest stars Katniss and Peeta Mellark. This is as if they rebels had lost the war, and the Games continued. And as punishment, Katniss and Peeta have to mentor every D. 12 tribute. It is the 4th Quarter Quell and there is a *special* change to excite the Capitol people... This is about a 12 year old trying to outsmart the Game Makers and stay alive...

published on November 28, 2012158 reads 27 readers 12 not completed
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Chapter 8.

First Day-Forest

My mind screams at me. "This can't be happening. No! This-this isn't real!" But I still know, in some calm hidden part of my mind, that it is. That I am in the Games and I'm not leaving.

My shoes pound against the concrete. I go down the street several blocks until the street goes left and right, but not straight. Straight is a nasty downhill that I would be more likely to break my neck down than somehow winning this. I turn right and gradually slow down. But I keep jogging in the least.

"Find water." Katniss had told Zorran and I. "It's your new best friend." Peeta had said. Katniss laughed as if it was a personal joke between them. Zorran. Where was he? I abruptly stopped and turned around to look for him. I continue to run again as I don't see him.

I finally take an old gravel road that eventually gets smaller and smaller. How much time had went by? An hour? Two? I can't tell. But I continue until the road becomes nonexistent and I'm  standing in a small wooded area. I sigh. Water. Where am I supposed to find that? I start walking randomly forward. Putting as much distance between me and the Cornucopia.

It finally gets dark, and I realize that the woods are much bigger than I thought. I try to get a grip on one of the trees but I can't pull myself up. On any of them. The Careers could be coming, my brain tells me, it's been long enough. They've had time to kill and pick supplies. I start spitting all over the dirt and I roll around like a pig in mud, making it stick to me. I scan the area quietly for a bush, and I finally find one with thick leaves, and even better, not 100 feet from a small stream. Not a big enough water source to attract many people, but enough to keep me and a couple of people supplied, I cup my hands and drink the cold water. . I force my way into the bush and I break off all of the extra twigs. Most of them I use to conceal myself better, but others I set aside. When I assure myself that I am hidden on all sides of the bush, and I begin to dig underneath me. Warmth. It's going to get cold, and this bush will block out some wind, but not much and almost none of the cold. My fingers quickly grow numb and I stop the try to warm them. Once they are finally usable, I fumble with the back pack's zipper and pull it open. I pull out the objects and examine what could very well save my life.
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Comments (12)

You have the right idea and very clever quarter quell idea! Although, I think you need to slow down, describe the sourrounding a little more, a bit more dialoge, more characters, and I would like to be able to get to know Aspen a bit more :) if you added these things I think it would be very exciting!! Also, I hope this doesn't offend you in any way!! That's See More▼
on June 20, 2013
i don't know how to finish it. @.@
on April 05, 2013
Ausome it just needs to be finished
on February 02, 2013
@Charlie-... 8( Was it bad and just needs to hurry up and be done?!? Or as in it's good and you want to read it.. ??
on January 01, 2013
on December 26, 2012
:D thnx!
on December 08, 2012
I just have to say...again...that this is an AWESOME story!! Can't wait for the rest!!:)
on December 08, 2012
:3 yay!! I love it when my stuff is loveable! haha!! I all ready have the beginning of the actual Game beginning planned out :D
on December 06, 2012
@Leigh07 Yes, I did!
on December 05, 2012
This is good!!
on December 04, 2012
Thank you, I tried to make it shorter than my last one, did you like the Quarter Quell surprise??
on November 29, 2012
Awesome remake!:)
on November 29, 2012