Chuck E Cheese Creepypasta

Chuck E Cheese Creepypasta

This is the TRUTH behind the creepiness of Chuck E Cheese. Make sure that the lights are out /;)

published on June 10, 20151040 reads 226 readers 8 not completed
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Chapter 4.


I began to wash the robots as normal when I noticed that Chuck E was closer and looking directly at me. Assuming that it was a glitch I grabbed the spray bottle and began lightly spraying. This only made it worse. The oddly realistic jaw was moving up and down in a chomping motion. I knocked on the arms out of curiosity. When I did they didn't feel like there was plastic underneath it. It felt as if a real arm was under. I continued washing and the day was normal.
That night no one told me to leave. It was already 11:00 at night. I decided to leave on my own. I assumed that someone was still here because one of the back lights was still on. I went home and immediately went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear the sound of a squeaking mouse. I looked outside to see the Chuck E robot standing on my porch. Its eyes staring into mine. Assuming it was part of a prank and that he followed me home I was ready to call 911. I turned around and he was gone. I will say I didn't get a wink of sleep the rest of that night.Somehow I managed to fall asleep at 6:00 am. I woke up in the morning to find that I was left a message. It stated that I didn't have to go to work that day. Mark never told me why. Any way, when I went downstairs I turned on the television to the channel Fox News.

A report of missing 6 missing teens in my neighborhood went out a few days ago. Recently a large sech has been going on. I walked to the mall around when work would start because I wanted to know what was going on. Several police cars were surrounding the building. I asked one of the officers what was going on. He told me that the Chuck E's costume was missing. I said nothing and walked away. I hung around the mall until night began to fall. I decided to take advantage of today. I waled home while the sun was still setting. When I got home I curled in bed and listened to the night sounds. then the birds and the crickets stopped.
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Comments (8)

I always hated that place,those creepy pasta chuck e cheeses came real,I had to go once with my baby sister,bad idea,those animatronic animals were fine,but still creepy,you could tell the robotic voice of chuckle himself,I almost felt safe when the person in the chuckie suit came out.
on February 08, 2016
Love it, awesome.
on June 13, 2015
Creepy! Really Creepy!
on June 12, 2015
on June 10, 2015
on June 10, 2015
Good story, creepy, but a good story
thx but its not done yet
I know but it is a good story so far
on June 10, 2015
on June 10, 2015
on June 10, 2015