Rachael's Notebook

Rachael's Notebook

I dare oyu to read on. If you're brave enough I'm warning you it's scary mwhaahaha

published on April 06, 201372 reads 23 readers 8 completed
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Chapter 5.


I ran back upstairs, furious and got a cup of water. I ran back down to find her in the same place. I called her name, but she didn’t respond, so I threw the water on her face, which apparently was enough to remove her from whatever trance she was in. She came to screaming and swearing, demanding to know why I threw water at her, so I told her.

She was outraged saying she had been on the bed the entire time reading that stupid book. But when I pointed out the fact that we were both standing like ten feet from my bed, Kristin looked back at the bed and swore out of fear.

“Where is the book?” she asked. Together we walked towards my bed, but didn’t find it. We searched underneath my bed where it was first found, but it wasn’t there either. By the time we finished searching my entire room, Kristin was in tears and I ready to leave.

Unable to take the stress anymore, Kristin left, leaving me behind. I placed everything in my room back to the way I like it before going up stairs. I walked through the house counting the cats, when I found the last one and knew they were all okay I went into the living room and sat on the couch. I tried turning on the TV, but the remote wasn’t working, so I had to turn it on manually, but still the TV wouldn’t turn on. I checked the back and found it plug in and all the wires in the right place, I tried it again all to no avail. I smacked the back of it and hoped it would work, but once again it didn’t.

So I left the living room and made my way downstairs, almost to my bedroom, the TV came on and echoed through the entire house. The volume was up so high it would have blown the speakers if I hadn’t rushed to turn it down. The TV was switching from one station to the next. Like someone had the remote and was flipping through to find something interesting, except it was going way to fast, especially for a TV from the early 90’s.
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Comments (8)

brill story, freaky:)
on July 12, 2016
haha :) xx
on September 28, 2013
This is really freaky
on September 28, 2013
@purplemist thnx babe xx
on April 07, 2013
That was FREAKY...
on April 07, 2013
@bmac99 course will work on that xx
on April 06, 2013
Pretty good! Just be sure not to rush the story, okay?
on April 06, 2013
4 peopl have read it yet no comments or likes :( xx
on April 06, 2013