Young Dracula and Harry Potter Crossover

Vlad was normal, well as normal has the son and heir of Count Dracula can get. But, to any other vampire he was normal (beside the fact that he is the chosen one and he is destined to lead all vampires.) He was finally getting used to the whole vampire thing, when he received a letter inviting him to no other than Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. (I KNOW THE SUMMARY IS BAD, BUT PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY)

published on April 02, 2016150 reads 22 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

The Hogwarts Express

Vlad was sitting in his coffin reading through Standard Book of Spells Grade 3. His dad had put him in tutoring for the last 1 and a 1/2 months. He was going to leave for the Hogwarts express the next day and he was making sure that he got all the spells down. He didn't want to be behind, though he knew he would be.

"Vladimir!" His dad yelled from down stair.

what now? Vlad thought. He folded the corner in his book and threw it in the coffin before running down stairs.

"What?" he said annoyed as he walked in the throne room.

"You little tutor is here again." He said gesturing towards the front door with a disgusted look on his face. "Your lucky I don't drink her blood!"

"I know dad." Vlad said muttered as he opened the door to let his tutor in. His tutor was a small woman -only about 5 ft. tall-, with long light brown hair. She was about 50 years old too. Also Vlad was pretty sure his dad fancied her.

"Hello Vlad," She said nodding to him and walking through the door. " ," She said nodding to his dad too. " Well Vlad, now I know that we were done with tutoring, but an incident occurred somewhere and I think we should cover I history lesson. Come on!" She said walking out into the school to the empty classroom they were studying in. Vlad sat down at the desk in the front where he usually sits. Ms. Boyd- his tutor- looked in her bag and pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet and slapped it on his desk.

Vlad looked down at the newspaper that had one big headline on the front page. SCENES OF TERROR AT THE QUIDDITCH WORLD. Below the headline was a twinkling black and white photo of skull in sky. It looked quite unnerving. It was green and looked like a constellation in the sky almost. Vlad looked up at his tutor. She no longer had her normally cheery face, but looked close it crying.

"Do you know what that mark is, Vlad?" She said pressing her finger against the mark.


"It's the Dark Mark. Do you remember reading about he-who-must-not-be-named?''

"Yes," He said recalling the story of a man who had control of most the wizarding world, but got killed by a baby. "He was the one who was killed by the baby,"

"Yes," she said "Harry Potter. That there, that is his mark. He would cast it over houses when he killed. That mark. The Dark Mark. It hasn't been seen- or cast- in 13 years." She look at the photo and it seemed as though she was remembering horrible memories. "I came home one day, 14 years ago. I was working at the ministry at the time." Her eyes looked distant and detached as she talked. More talking to herself than Vlad. "I had a daughter, Elizabeth, she was only 7, and a husband too. His name was Darren. I came in front of the house and looked up. It was above my house." At this point she was crying. Vlad didn't know what to do. "I walked inside and I didn't see anyone and I panicked. I ran upstairs. In my bedroom was my husband and daughter. Dead, holding hands. He killed them." She was sobbing now. "I'm sorry." She whimpered through broken breaths. "I miss them."

Vlad had no clue what to do. "I'm sorry." He said.

Ms. Boyd took a tissue out of her bag and wiped off her mascara and tears. "Well," She said "No doubt it'll be the talk around and about Hogwarts so today we'll spend it studying You-Know-Who." Vlad spent the whole day reading about the war. He found it shockingly interesting-and sickening- even after Ms. Boyd left he continued to read about Voldemort. After all his reading he still couldn't understand why people- like Ms. Boyd feared the name.

"Vladdy please look at me!" His dad yelled from across the dinner table. Vlad looked up from his copy of Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. He was trying to find out more about Voldemort, but found the whole book interesting and decided to read it through.

"What?" Vlad said annoyed.

"You are leaving tomorrow! At least spend some time with me." HIs dad looking at him.

"Fine!" Vlad said slamming the book shut.

"Well Vladimir since you are leaving and aren't coming back soon-"

"No!" Vlad yelled interrupting him.

"You didn't even let me finish!"

"I'm not trying blood!"

"But you're leaving and you'll want your strength!"

"I'm not even 16!" Vlad was getting sick of these had these with his dad at least once a week, but this time he knew his dad would be persistent with Vlad leaving the next day.

" I know! But it is never too early to-"

"No!" Vlad said. He was sick of this! He grabbed his book and stormed up to his room. He was completely sick of his dad forcing him to do something he didn't want, didn't need to do! He would never drink blood! Never, not human or animal! Vlad kicked his coffin as hard as he could. Instantly regretting it as he stubbed his toe hard and started to hop on his foot. Dammit he thought. This time tomorrow I will be far far away. Away from vampires and away from blood. he thought. He thought this was the end, but no, he was wrong this is just the beginning.

Vlad alarm started beeping and woke him up suddenly. He thrashed around on the floor for a second before remembering where he was. He realized that he was on the floor. He must have passed out or something. He was still in his clothes from the other night. The last thing that he remembered was stubbing his toe. "Ow" He muttered rubbing his toes. He had a strange dream the night before. He saw himself running down a hallway lit by torch light. He wasn't sure if it was because he was being chased or if he was running to someone. Then he turned around and bared fangs! Then a tall cloaked figure walked behind him and Vlad bit him. Then the man shoved Vlad and in a high sharp voice said "You can't kill me!". Then he woke up. Vlad was shivering just thinking about the dream.

Vlad looked up at his clock it was 5:30 in the morning. The train left at 11:00 and he wanted to give himself time to get ready, go to the station, the train ride to London, and sneaking out so his dad wouldn't follow. He took a quick shower before he put on some of his breather- or muggle as he learned wizards called them- clothing. He just slipped on a pair of jeans a red plaid shirt and a light black jacket over it. He also put one pair of robes in a bag so he could change on the train. He gathered up his trunk and his new owl Alin and walked downstairs. He put the owl and trunk on the counter and pulled out some muffins Reinfeild made the other day. He turned around and looked at the fridge with the blood in it. He thought of his dream. With him ,and his fangs, and the man. He wasn't sure why he did. Just in case he thought. I leaned down near the fridge and pulled out a blood bag -the same ones blood is in when someone donates it- with a label that said A+. He slipped the blood in his trunk latched it. He also grabbed a blanket and put it over the owl. This way he could just say it was a parrot or something. He took his bag, trunk, and Alin and headed to the station.

It's a boring walk to the station, but it was only 20 minutes from Garside so it wasn't too bad. He got on the train to London and noticed it was only him and three other people. Vlad put his trunk and owl in the seat next to him. He felt better with them by. He didn't want anyone opening them or them coming open and all the potions and spell books coming out. Vlad couldn't stop staring at the trunk. He could smell the blood in there. His mouth was watering. Maybe just one little sip… No! He turned his head from the trunk. Why did he even bring the bloody thing! (no pun intended) He kept thinking about the blood the whole time. He hardly even noticed when the train stopped. He got off the train and on the platform. He had a few minutes before 11. He looked at his ticket to find the platform. 9 ¾ ! There isn't such a thing. Is there?

Vlad looked around for platform 9 ¾ . He walked over to platform 9 and 10. It should be right in between. Vlad decided to ask worker there. He walked up to a worker.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes?" the worker said.]

"I -er- was -er wondering if you could tell me where I could find platform 9 ¾ ?"

"9 ¾ ! Are you joshing me kid? Go back to your mummy!" Vlad walked away. He was offended in so many ways. For one he wasn't a kid. But, mostly he was concerned. He still a had a little bit of time before the train left, but what if he couldn't find it? Vlad wandered lost ly around platforms 9 and 10. He was getting ready to go get a ticket home when he saw a group a three kids about his age. He wouldn't have thought anything of them except that the 2 boys both had owls on their carts. There was a boy with dark messy hair and round glasses. He also had vivid green eyes. The other boy was taller, had ginger hair, and had clothes just a little to small for him. The last of the three was a girl. She had bushy hair and large front teeth. At first he thought that they were just leaning against the barrier and talking, then he noticed them slipping into the barrier! He walked up to the barrier and tried to out his hand against it but it went through.

Vlad wasted no time, he closed his eyes and walked through the barrier. He opened his eyes and was on the other side. He looked around the platform was crowded with many people. There were parents hugging their parents goodbye and little kid chasing each other around. The train blew its whistle. It was almost 11. Vlad picked up his trunk and owl and headed on the train. The doors closed behind him and the train lurched and they started moving. Vlad walked down the train looking for an empty compartment. All of them that he could see where full. He saw one with the door still open and walked towards it. The door closed just before he got there, but he still went to see if it was full.

Vlad looked in and saw the same three kids that went through the barrier before him. Vlad slid open the compartment door.

"Excuse me," he said and all three of them looked at him. "Can I sit with you? All the other compartments are full." All three of them exchanged quick looks. The girl with the bushy hair was the first one to speech.

"Of course." she said. Vlad put up his trunk and one of the boys -the ginger haired one continued to talk to the boy.

"So go on- How d'you hide a place like Hogwarts?" he said

"It's bewitched," said the girl "If a Muggle looks at it, all they see is a moldering old ruin with a sign over the entrance that says DANGER DO NOT ENTER UNSAFE." Vlad sat down. He was a bit confused on what they were talking about. He made eye contact with the boy with the glasses. He gave Vlad a look like They do this a lot.

"Anyways," said the girl. She turned towards Vlad. "I'm Hermione Granger. What's your name?"

"I'm Vlad Dracula." He notice all of them exchanged looks when mentioned the name Dracula.

"Like the vampire?" said the gingered haired boy. Vlad saw Hermione shoot him a look. "Oh yeah, I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

"Nice to meet you Ron and no not like the vampire." Vlad tried to keep cool but he was really bad at lying. He could feel his heartbeat raise as he lied. He didn't think they noticed it though. "I am from Romania through, it's not an uncommon name there." Ron sort of untensed when Vlad said that. He wondered what Ron would think if he knew Vlad was the son of Count Dracula himself and was a vampire.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." the final boy said. Vlad, of course, immediately recognized the name. He had to fight with all his might not for his eyes to go up to look at Harry's scar.

"Nice to meet you." It was quiet for a second. like all of them were excepting Vlad to freak out and yell You're Harry Potter? or something stupid like that. It was quite strange for Harry. If he had met anyone else he knew he would have been bombarded by questions, but Vlad's eyes didn't even flick up to his scar.

"Well," said Hermione obviously trying to break the awkward silence. "Vlad isn't that short for Vladimir?"

"Yeah, Yeah it is." he responded.

"So what brings you to Hogwarts?" Harry asked. "I mean you look a bit old for a first year, aren't you?"

"Yeah I'm going to be joining the 4th years. I had a tutor at home. I've been going to bre- Muggle schools for a while and well my hogwarts letter came this year and my dad wanted me to go."

"How are they going to sort you in your house then?" Harry asked

"I don't know." Silence grew again. "I think I'm just going to read my book for a while." Vlad pulled out Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. The other three started to talk again while Vlad read his book. He tried not to listen in on their conversation. He did catch on later that they were mostly talking about Quidditch. Well Hermione didn't seem as interested as Harry and Ron.

The rain got heavier the farther north they got. It also got darker and by midday they had to light the lanterns. The lunch trolley came around and Harry bought everyone Cauldron Cakes to share. Vlad only had one though. Several of the other three's friends came around too as the afternoon continued. Harry, Ron and Hermione introduced all of them to Vlad. Three of there names were Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom. One of them, Seamus was wearing an Ireland Rosette that weakly squeaked "Troy- Mullet- Moran!". After about an hour of Quidditch talk Hermione started reading a book of her own.

Ron was still talking with Neville about being near Victor Krum when a voice rang out from behind them.

"For the first and last time in your life Weasley." Immediately a blonde boy which Vlad recognized from Gringotts appeared around the corner. He was followed by two buff looking boys. Apparently they had overheard the conversation from the door which their other friends had left ajar.

"Don't remember asking you to join us, Malfoy." said Harry coldly.

Malfoy either didn't hear Harry or he was just ignoring him because he noticed a sleeve of a robe with an old lace cuff on the end of it covering an owl's cage. He said "Weasley… What is that?" Ron tried to stuff the robes out of sight, but Malfoy was too quick for him. He grabbed the robe by the sleeve and held it up showing his two troll like friends. "Look at this!" He gloated "You weren't actually thinking of wearing these were you?" He said mockingly. Vlad silently agreed that the dress was horrendous and deserved to be burned but Malfoy was being well- some words Vlad won't want to say out loud.

"Eat dung Malfoy!" Ron said to him while tugging the robe out of his hand. Malfoy just laughed and Vlad had, had enough.

"Why don't you just leave?" Vlad in a nasty voice. Malfoy looked a bit startled not knowing that Vlad was even there before.

"Yeah," Malfoy mocked "Make me." he said.

Wrong move. thought Vlad. "Fine." Vlad said flatly and stomped on Malfoy's foot. He did it as hard as he could and Malfoy shrieked in pain. Vlad sat down like nothing happened and opened up his book and started reading again. Vlad knew full well that everyone in the compartment was staring at him with shock. He didn't care though. He was sick of bullies. Malfoy reminded him too much of Ingrid and his dad. Malfoy wasn't done taunting Ron, but he did it from a greater distance.

"And you," He said poking Vlad in the shoulder. "I can make your life a living hell."

Vlad looked up at Malfoy- realising he was yet to learn his first name yet- very calmly. He looked him straight in the eye and simply said "It already is." Vlad buried his head in his book again and faintly saw Malfoy storm out with his two cronies. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville all were staring at Vlad.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron piped up.

"Thanks," Vlad said "He just reminded me of some people I know back home."

"Don't let them get to you Ron." said Hermione

"Him! Get to me? As if!" Ron said stuffing a remaining cauldron cake in his mouth. Ron was is a bad mood the rest of the train ride. Now Vlad wished he had listen in on the conversation. Later on in the ride they changed into their school robes. Ron was still sulking by the time they arrived at Hogsmeade station. Harry and Vlad had talked a bit about school houses on the train too. He decided that he either wanted to be in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. He mostly wanted to be in Gryffindor to be with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but he knew that he would fit best in Hufflepuff.

A storm was still waging as the got off the train. Harry greeted a friend/ teacher Hagrid, before they made their ways to the carriages. Hermione explained to Vlad that first years go up to the castle by boat.

"I wouldn't fancy crossing the lake in this weather." she said.

The six of them made their way to the carriages - Neville was still with them- and Vlad saw all of them were being pulled by horse like creatures with wings. The creatures were also bony and black. He leaned over to Hermione to ask what they were.

"There isn't anything pulling the carriages, they pull themselves."

"The pull themselves?" he asked confused. "What are those then?" he pointed at the horse thing standing right in front of them.

"There's nothing there Vlad." she said. He wanted to press the subject further, but being afraid it was a vampire thing, he decided to shut up and get on the carriage. The carriage started to go up the hill to a large magical looking castle.

Hogwarts Vlad thought.
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